《水彩人物肖像技法》(Portrait Painting in Watercolo 簡介: 導讀: 簡介: 內容介紹:水彩人物肖像技法Portrait painting in watercolor,by Chales ReidWhere this handy, horizontal, and beautifully laid-out book treads on new ground is portraiture in aquarelle in a dashingly drama
導讀: 簡介: 內容介紹:水彩人物肖像技法Portrait painting in watercolor,by Chales ReidWhere this handy, horizontal, and beautifully laid-out book treads on new ground is portraiture in aquarelle in a dashingly dramatic styl
內容介紹: 水彩人物肖像技法 Portrait painting in watercolor,by Chales Reid Where this handy, horizontal, and beautifully laid-out book treads on new ground is portraiture in aquarelle in a dashingly dramatic style . -- American Artist. This is one of the most sought after books on watercolor portraiture. Reid suggests the face and still gets a likeness. He leaves something for the viewer to fill in and be a part of the painting. It takes practice and intuition to bring out the aritists innate intuitive abilities expressed on paper. Reid shows step by step how he approaches his subject. He focuses on contrast and value and immediacy to give the painting life and spontaniety. A valued book to read over and over. 內容截圖: