中文名: 邊緣(英國)-2013年4月
原名: Edge(UK)-April 2013
作者: edge onune
資源格式: PDF
版本: 影印版
出版社: edge onune
書號: 9780215462365
發行時間: 2013年3月14日
地區: 英國
語言: 英文
http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=412292&uk=3023404476 目錄:
10 sony reveals play station 4
18 the game of life
20 creature features
22 soundbytes
24 my favourite game
26 this month on edge
28 dialogue
32 trigger happy
34 level head
36 you're playing it wrong
42 destiny
48 remember me
52 the last of us
56 assassin's creed iv:black flag
58 command & conquer
60 death inc
62 hye round-up
72 control
80 to human
90 metal gear rising:revengeance
94 tomb raider
98 crysis 3
102 aliens colonial marines
104 luigi's mansion 2
106 lego city undercover
108 caltlevania:lords of shadow-mirror of fate
110 play round-up
114 people
116 places
118 things