中文名: 健康住宅,第3版- 面向建築師,建築者和房主的指南
原名: Prescriptions for a Healthy House, 3rd Edition - A Practical Guide for Architects, Builders & Homeowners
作者: paula Baker-laporte
erica elliott
john banta
資源格式: PDF
版本: 影印版
出版社: new society publishers
書號: 9780865716049
發行時間: 2013年1月18日
地區: 美國
語言: 英文
http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=447517&uk=3271598418 目錄:
39 general requirements
63 site work
71 concrete
79 earth masonry and other alternatives to frame construction
99 metals
101 wood and plastics
117 thermal and moisturecontrol
137 openings
141 finishes
169 specialties
173 equipment
189 furnishings
203 special construction
219 conveying systems
221 mechanical
247 electrical
217 appendix a mcs:what is it?
227 appendix b resource list