中文名: 房龍英文作品集(6部)
原名: Hendrik Willem Van Loon-his selected works (6 books)
資源格式: PDF
版本: PDF
發行時間: 1912年
地區: 美國
語言: 英文
先貼張他老先生年輕時的照片哈 挺荷蘭的
電驢上房龍的資料歷來不多,前幾天有網友發了 人類的故事 有關的資料,發現頗受歡迎,想必很多驢友都喜歡讀房龍的書吧。於是我淘出電腦裡“塵封多年”的幾本房龍的英文著作,發上來和大家分享。不好意思的說,搞不到全集。似乎現在互聯網上房龍的著作沒有全過。不過我相信VC上一份房龍作品全集定是和我一樣眾多房龍迷的心願吧,只能靠大家一起努力了。
The Fall of the Dutch Republic, 1913,* The Rise of the Dutch Kingdom, 1915,
* The Golden Book of the Dutch Navigators, 1916, * A Short History of Discovery: From the Earliest Times to the Founding of Colonies in the American Continent,
* Ancient man; the Beginning of Civilizations, 1920,
* The Story of Mankind, 1921, * The Story of the Bible, 1923,
* Witches and Witch-Finders, 1923, article from the June 1923 Mentor Magazine
* The Story of Wilbur the Hat, 1925,
* Tolerance, 1925, * The Liberation of Mankind: the story of man's struggle for the right to think, 1926,
* America: The Story of America from the very beginning up to the present, 1927,
* Adriaen Block, 1928,
* Multiplex man, or the Story of Survival through Invention, 1928,
* Life and Times of Peter Stuyvesant, 1928,
* Man the Miracle Maker, 1928,
* R. v. R.: the Life and Times of Rembrandt van Rijn, 1930,
* If the Dutch Had Kept Nieuw Amsterdam, in If, Or History Rewritten, edited by J. C. Squire, 1931,
* Van Loon's Geography: The Story of the World We Live In, 1932,
* An Elephant Up a Tree, 1933,
* An Indiscreet Itinerary or How the Unconventional Traveler Should See Holland by one who was actually born there and whose name is Hendrik Willem Van loon, 1933, * The Home of Mankind: the story of the world we live in, 1933,
* The story of inventions: Man, the Miracle Maker, 1934,
* Ships: and How They Sailed the Seven Seas (5000 B.C.-A.D.1935), 1935,
* Around the World With the Alphabet, 1935,
* Air-Storming (radio talk), 1935,
* Love me not, 1935
* A World Divided is a World Lost, 1935,
* The Songs We Sing (with Grace Castagnetta), 1936,
* The Arts, 1937,
* Christmas Carols (with Grace Castagnetta), 1937,
* Observations on the mystery of print and the work of Johann Gutenberg, 1937,
* Our Battle: Being One Man's Answer to "My Battle" by Adolf Hitler, 1938, * How to Look at Pictures: a Short History of Painting, 1938, * Folk Songs of Many Lands (with Grace Castagnetta), 1938,
* The Last of the Troubadours: The Life and Music of Carl Michael Bellman 1740-1795 (with Grace Castagnetta), 1939,
* The Songs America Sings (with Grace Castagnetta), 1939,
* My School Books,[1] 1939, E. I. du Pont de Nemours
* Invasion, being the personal recollections of what happened to our own family and to some of our friends during the first forty-eight hours of that terrible incident in our history which is now known as the great invasion and how we escaped with our lives, 1940,
* The Story of the Pacific, 1940,
* The Life and Times of Johann Sebastian Bach, 1940,
* Good Tidings (with Christmas songs by Grace Castegnetta), 1941,
* The Praise of Folly by Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam, with a short life of the Author by Hendrik Willem van Loon of Rotterdam who also illustrated the Book, 1942
* Van Loon's Lives: Being a true and faithful account of a number of highly interesting meetings with certain historical personages, from Confucius and Plato to Voltaire and Thomas Jefferson, about whom we had always felt a great deal of curiosity and who came to us as dinner guests in a bygone year, 1942, * Christmas Songs, 1942
* The Message of the Bells (with music by Grace Castagnetta), 1942, * Fighters for Freedom: the Life and Times of Thomas Jefferson and Simon Bolivar, 1943, * The Life and Times of Scipio Fulhaber, Chef de Cuisine, 1943
* Adventures and Escapes of Gustavus Vasa, and how they carried him from his rather obscure origin to the throne of Sweden, 1945
* Report to Saint Peter, upon the kind of world in which Hendrik Willem van Loon spent the first years of his life - an unfinished, posthumously published autobiography, 1947,
He was born in Rotterdam, the son of Hendrik Willem van Loon and Elisabeth Johanna Hanken. He went to the United States in 1902 to study at Cornell University, receiving his degree in 1905. He was a correspondent during the Russian Revolution of 1905 and in Belgium in 1914 at the start of World War I. He later became a professor of history at Cornell University (1915-17) and in 1919 became an American citizen.
In 1906 he married Eliza Ingersoll Bowditch, daughter of a Harvard professor, by whom he had two sons, Henry Bowditch and Gerard Willem. He had two later marriages, to Eliza Helen (Jimmie) Criswell in 1920 and playwright Frances Goodrich Ames in 1927, but after a divorce from Ames he returned to Criswell (it is debatable whether or not they re-married) who inherited his estate in 1944.
上面的是WIKI裡對房龍的介紹。雖說很多人都知道了,但是按規矩還是介紹下吧。荷蘭裔的美國通俗作家,1919才正式成為美國公民,但是在1913年就可以熟練運用英文寫出了fall of the Dutch Republic這樣優秀的作品,不愧為大師級別的人物。
ANCIENT MAN:the beginning of civilization
17世紀後期,荷蘭先後與英國、法國交戰,在海上荷蘭敗於英國(英荷戰爭),在陸地荷蘭敗於法國(法荷戰爭),從而衰落下來。1795年荷蘭被法國占領。 在1815年被拿破侖統治的法國占領結束後,荷蘭和現在的比利時、盧森堡組成荷蘭王國。房龍的故事就是圍繞這個歷史講開的。
看看副標題“ From the Earliest Times to the Founding of Colonies in the American Continent”,書裡要講什麼就一目了然了。
This is a story of magnificent failures. The men who equipped the expeditions of which I shall tell you the story died in the poorhouse. The men who took part in these voyages sacrificed their lives as cheerfully as they lighted a new pipe or opened a fresh bottle. Some of them were drowned, and some of them died of thirst. A few
were frozen to death, and many were killed by the heat of the scorching sun. The bad supplies furnished by lying contractors buried many of them beneath the green cocoa-nut-trees of distant lands. Others were speared by cannibals and provided a feast for the hungry tribes of the Pacific slands.
But what of it? It was all in the day's work. These excellent fellows took whatever came, be it good or bad,or indifferent, with perfect grace, and kept on smiling.They kept their powder dry, did whatever their hands found to do, and left the rest to the care of that mysterious Providence who probably knew more about the ultimate good of things than they did.
I want you to know about these men because they were your ancestors. If you have inherited any of their good qualities, make the best of them; they will prove to be worthwhile. If you have got your share of their bad ones, fight these as hard as you can; for they will lead you a merry chase before you get through. Whatever you do, remember one lesson: "Keep on smiling."
Hendrik Willem van Loon.
Cornell University, Ithaca, New York.
iFebruary 29, 1916.
總之 是一本催人上進的悲傷地書。但是別忘了 “keep on smiling”!
長長的副標題“how the unconventional traveler should see Holland by one who was actually born there and whose name is Hendrik Willem van Loon"
一本整體介紹荷蘭的小書。序言裡面房龍寫了,在Netherlands Railways 的人建議下向美國大眾介紹荷蘭的書。
1 the rise of the Dutch Kingdom
Apologia vi
Foreward vii
Dramatis Personae xv
Prologue xv
The last days of the old order 11
The revolution 31
The cost of revolution 45
The provisional 55
The opening ceremonies 69
Pieter Paulus 77
National Assembly No.I at work 83
National Assemby No.II at work 93
Glory Abroad 103
Coup d'Etat No.I 111
The constitutional 123
Coup d'Etat No.II 131
Constitution No.II at work 141
More Glory Abroad 147
Constitution No.III 155
The third Constitution at work 163
Economic Condition 167
Social life 177
Peace 185
Schimmelpenninck 193
King Louis of Holland 203
The department formerly called Holland 215
Liberation 227
The Restoration 243
William I 251
A comparison of the four Constitutions of Holland 263
Bibliography 271
2 the golden book of the Dutch Navigators
I Jan Huygen van Linschoten 3
II The northeast passage 43
III The tragedy of Spitzbergen 87
IV The first voyage to India-failure 97
V The second voyage to India-success 135
VI Van Noort circumnavigates the world 159
VII The attack upon the west coast of America 249
VIII The bad luck of Captain Bontekoe 249
IX Schouten and Le Maire discover a new strait 279
X Tasman explores Australia 303
XI Roggeveen, the last of the great voyagers 325
3the fall of the Dutch Republic
I Political development 1
II Economic and Social development 42
III William IV 116
IV The Princess Anna 142
V The Duke of Brunswick 158
VI The American revolution 174
VII The last English war 217
VIII The patriots 288
IX Last years 373
Epilogue 400
Appendix 409
Notes 411
Bibliography 415
Index 425
4ancient man-the beginning of civilization
1 ancient man
2 the classical world of Greece
3 the middle ages
4 rebirth of civilization
5 the conquest of new worlds
6 the conquest of knowledge
7 the beginning of freedom
8 the age of invention
9the world of today
5 an indiscreet itinerary
6 a short history of discovery