中文名: 他們認為這是一個奇跡:阿瑟墨爾本庫珀
原名: Arthur Melbourne-Cooper (1874-1961)
別名: 英國定格動畫之父亞•墨爾本•庫珀傳
作者: Tjitte de Vries
譯者: 無
資源格式: PDF
版本: 影印版
出版社: Amsterdam University Press 阿姆斯特丹大學出版社
書號: ISBN: 9085550165
發行時間: 2010年07月15日
地區: 英國
語言: 英文
內容簡介 根據「創造三度空間動畫」(creating 3-D animation)一書的記載,英國人亞瑟‧墨爾本‧庫伯(Arthur Melbourne Cooper) 早於1906年和1908年,就嘗試利用了玩具,拍出偶動畫短片。
現存最早的定格動畫廣告電影是亞瑟·墨爾本·庫伯(Arthur Melbourne Cooper)拍攝的短片An Appeal(1899),裡面混用了定格動畫技術。
亞瑟·墨爾本·庫伯(Arthur Melbourne Cooper)英國定格動畫之父,世界動畫先驅,曾於1904年創建了阿爾發培訓公司(Alpha Trading Company)可惜在1927年毀於一場大火。該書講述了他生平於作品。是研究他的最佳讀物。
亞瑟·墨爾本·庫伯代表作:1898 《山村鐵匠》(The Village Blacksmith)
1899 《比賽:吸引力》(Matches: An Appeal)
1901 《朵莉的玩具》(Dolly’s Toys)
1904 《神奇的玩具匠》(The Enchanted Toymaker)
1905 《瑪克楠博游倫敦》(Mac Nab’s Visit to London)
1906 《諾亞方舟》(Noah’s Ark) 《仙女教母》(The Fairy Godmother)
1908 《玩具王國夢游記》(Dreams of Toyland)
1912 《灰姑娘》(Cinderella)《木制運動員》(Wooden Athletes)
1913 《玩具匠的夢》(The Toymaker’s Dream)
頁 碼:576頁
出版社:Amsterdam University Press
語 言:英語
書號- 10:9085550165
書號- 13:978-9085550167
In a world obsessed with 'firsts', this fascinating book with its accompanying DVD analyses the stop-motion films made by the British pioneer filmmaker Arthur Melbourne-Cooper, arguably the maker of the first ever animation, MATCHES APPEAL, dating from 1899, in which an animated matchstick writes out on a blackboard an appeal to the British audience urging them to donate money to subsidise shipments of matches to the troops fighting in the Boer War in South Africa. If this dating of the film is correct, it would make it the first-ever animated film shown in cinemas, years ahead of the known early animations, and long before Walt Disney was born. Drawing on a wealth of archival material, frame-by-frame analysis, as well as interviews with Melbourne-Cooper and his family and associates, this book argues convincingly in favour of this early dating of MATCHES APPEAL, and sketches an unforgettable portrait of animation's early days, while being a vital contribution to the history of early cinema. The DVD of the six surviving animation films made by Melbourne-Cooper is a wonderful revelation of what early cinema-going audiences saw and marvelled at.
內容截圖 目錄:
A Want of Sanctuaries
Everything to Its Own Order
Stubborn and Ineradicable
Making Miracles Possible
An Imaginative Pioneer
Notes on Part One
“Picture by Picture Movement by Movement”