"Jackie Evancho -《Songs From The Silver Screen》(銀幕詠歎)[FLAC]"介紹
以純潔無瑕天籟 重溫經典電影感動時刻
◎ 2010年『美國達人』選秀亞軍驚爲天人,美聲小天使2012年純潔無瑕詮釋經典電影主題曲特輯
◎ 美國告示牌史上Top 10最年輕藝人,英國金榜史上Top 5最年輕藝人,2011年告示牌最暢銷古典榜藝人
◎ 精選「歌劇魅影」、「紅磨坊」、「獅子王」、「花木蘭」、「鐵達尼號」、「西雅圖夜未眠」等12首膾炙人口銀幕金曲
◎ 特邀葛萊美小提琴家約夏貝爾、浪漫傳奇小號手克裏斯伯堤、跨界大提琴雙人組「提琴雙傑」(2Cellos)及「加拿大美聲男高音」(The Tenors)等知名樂手共襄盛舉
今年滿12歲的小賈姬,散發如同天使般的純潔無瑕聲線,遊刃有餘的詮釋古典金曲,就連莎拉布萊曼、芭芭拉史翠珊都傾心不已,一位跨界美聲的天才少女就此誕生!自「美國達人」選秀比賽走紅,出道短短兩年,締造許多奇蹟記錄:靠著《O Holy Night》EP躍居美國告示牌史上最年輕擠入前十名的首張專輯、英國音樂史上最年輕登錄前五名首張專輯歌手;白宮聖誕節點燈儀式上,於歐巴馬總統面前獻唱、美國公共電視網(PBS)邀約舉辦兩次個人秀!媒體讚譽:「令人如癡如醉的跨界歌劇嗓音,具備無比能量力道,足以讓聆賞者感動落淚!」
小賈姬從小展現不思議的歌喉,八歲稚齡拿下「Kean Idol」才藝亞軍,隔年舉辦的「World Showcase Talent Competition」成功摘冠!「美國達人」賽後簽入選秀教父賽門考爾Syco門下,推出的聖誕特典《O Holy Night》,寫下亞馬遜網站預購冠軍紀錄,空降告示牌第二名,短短一個月大破百萬銷售量!趁勝追擊的專輯《夢想起飛Dream With Me》,空降全美亞軍+英國第四名,蟬聯古典專輯榜八週冠軍,全球銷量突破百萬大關!年底發行聖誕大碟《天籟佳音Heavenly Christmas》,依舊傲人的佔據古典榜冠軍位置!
最新專輯《Songs From The Silver Screen》,精心挑選12部賣座電影主題曲重新詮釋,請到曾任波伽利、喬許葛洛班等幕後管絃樂指揮家William Ross掌控,還有和16座葛萊美獎加冕的大衛佛斯特合作夥伴Humberto Gatica (席琳狄翁、芭芭拉史翠珊、艾爾頓強)協力制作。開場的〈Pure Imagination〉,利用愉悅的弦樂拉奏出曼妙佳音,將1971年的《歡樂糖果屋》營造溫馨氣氛;開啟小賈姬對音樂興趣的《歌劇魅影》,特別選唱〈The Music Of The Night〉;一連帶出迪士尼動畫鉅作《獅子王》、《花木蘭》、《魔髮奇緣》中的耳熟能詳歌謠,跳脫流行演繹方式,多了優雅脫俗的古典美感;榮獲奧斯卡「最佳外語片」的《新天堂樂園》,加入跨界大提琴雙人組「提琴雙傑」(2Cellos)助陣;還有華盛頓郵報盛讚:「同世代中最好的小提琴家之一」---約夏貝爾(Joshua Bell)、葛萊美入圍的浪漫小號手克裏斯伯堤(Chris Botti)等大明星站台!
1. PURE IMAGINATION –Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory 甜美幻境
2. THE MUSIC OF THE NIGHT –The Phantom Of The Opera 夜之樂章
3. CAN YOU FEEL THE LOVE TONIGHT –The Lion King 今晚你感受到愛了嗎
4. REFLECTION –Mulan 倒影
5. THE SUMMER KNOWS –Summer of ’42 夏天知我心 (葛萊美入圍傳奇小號手克裏斯伯堤伴奏)
6. I SEE THE LIGHT –Tangled 我看見了光明 (小賈姬與哥哥Jacob動人對唱)
7. WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD –Good Morning, Vietnam 多美好的世界
8. SE –Cinema Paradiso 如果 (跨界大提琴雙人組「提琴雙傑」伴奏)
9. MY HEART WILL GO ON –Titanic 愛無止盡 (葛萊美小提琴名家約夏貝爾伴奏)
10. COME WHAT MAY –Moulin Rouge 無論如何 (與加拿大美聲男高音合唱)
11. SOME ENCHANTED EVENING –South Pacific 某個醉人的夜晚
12. WHEN I FALL IN LOVE –Sleepless In Seattle 當我墜入情網
by James Christopher Monger
Prolific, Pittsburgh-based, 12-year-old vocalist (and classical crossover powerhouse) Jackie Evancho's fourth studio album, the 12-track Songs from the Silver Screen, eschews the usual assortment of carefully timed holiday classics and goose bump-inducing arias for a set of celluloid favorites. Evancho's effortless and expressive voice lends itself well to the project, which offers up renditions of some of Hollywood's most iconic tunes, including "Pure Imagination" (Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory), "The Music of the Night" (The Phantom of the Opera), "Can You Feel the Love Tonight" (The Lion King), "Some Enchanted Evening (South Pacific), and, of course, "My Heart Will Go On" (Titanic). Arranged by Bill Ross and produced by Ross and longtime David Foster collaborator Humberto Gatica, Songs from the Silver Screen finds Evancho more than up to the task, displaying maturity, poise, and a sincere love for the genre.
Audio CD (October 2, 2012)
Original Release Date: 2012
Number of Discs: 1
Label: Columbia
Editorial Reviews
On Songs From The Silver Screen, Jackie Evancho applies her brilliant voice and extraordinary artistry to an entirely new set of classics. On her first two full-length albums, Jackie explored musical classics from arias to holiday standards. For Silver Screen, she offers her interpretations of a whole new category of classic music the much-loved movie melodies that have become part of our cultural landscape.
"When I saw the movie version of The Phantom of the Opera when I was 7 years old, it made me want to become a singer 'The Music of the Night' is one of the most beautiful songs ever written and I've always wanted to perform it"[in public] says Jackie. "My enjoyment of the Phantom score is one of the things that gave us the idea to focus an entire album on songs that stayed in our minds for a long time after the movies were over."
For this album, Jackie collaborated with Grammy-winning producer/engineer Humberto Gatica, whose lengthy and impressive experience in the music industry has seen him work closely with Grammy award winning producer, David Foster, as well as with superstars like Michael Buble, Madonna, Michael Jackson, Mariah Carey and Barbra Streisand.
Jackie has some impressive company on some of the tracks. Famed violinist Joshua Bell accompanies her on one track ("My Heart Will Go On"from Titanic) as does trumpet player Chris Botti ("The Summer Knows" from The Summer of 42) and 2Cellos ("Se" from Cinema Paradiso). There are also very special duets, one with The Canadian Tenors ("Come What May" from Moulin Rouge) and one with her older brother, Jacob Evancho ("I See the Light" from Tangled).
No one can sing classical crossover music with the technical precision, emotion and intelligence that Jackie brings to it, says Gatica. With the songs we've selected for this album, we can show her fans how her talent has only deepened and matured since Dream With Me, which I think was one of the most outstanding albums of 2011.
5.0 out of 5 stars Jackie's music of the movies October 2, 2012
Format:Audio CD|Amazon Verified Purchase
Jackie's angelic voice has lit up many of my dreary days. Her artistry continues to develop since her last album. Her tone has brightened and her enunciation of the lyrics is much more precise. Her stagecraft has also evolved. She begins to realize that she is in command of the stage and that the orchestra plays at her pace; she is experimenting with her vocals in a delightful way. Watch her on stage and you'll see her new found confidence and mastery of her craft, and marvel at the way she projects her emotions with ease and grace. All these are evident in her recent concerts, including her latest PBS Music of the Movies performance at the Orpheum Threater, and now in this companion album "Songs From The Silver Screen".
The songs are movie themes - from Andrew Lloyd Webber's film version of the Phantom of the Opera to Disney's animated classic Lion King. Jackie's older brother Jacob and a number of guest musicians also contribute to this album. Jackie and Jacob Evancho sing the love theme duet "I See the Light" from the 2010 Disney's computer generated musical Tangled. Jacob Evancho has a decent pop voice. I wish him well in his music career.
Among the notable musicians in this album is the American trumpeter and composer Christopher Botti, who plays the trumpet in Jackie's "The Summer Knows" from the award winning 1971 movie classic Summer of '42.
The Croatian cello duo 2Cellos, with Luka Sulic and Stjepan Hauser, accompanies Jackie in "Se" from the 1988 Italian film Cinema Paradiso.
The Canadian Tenors perform alongside Jackie in her song "Come What May" from the 2001 romantic musical movie Moulin Rouge!.
American violinist Joshua David Bell plays the violin in Jackie's "My Heart Will Go On" from James Cameron's 1997 blockbuster romantic film Titanic, starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet. Teenage girls were known to weep at the mere mention of DiCaprio's name, the way I get misty eyes at the beauty of Jackie's music. Don't miss out on this star-studded album by Jackie Evancho - an extraordinary tribute to the music of the movies.