"Lorne Balfe -《刺客信條III 原聲大碟》(Assassins.Creed.III.Original.Soundtrack)[MP3]"介紹
專輯中文名: 刺客信條III 原聲大碟
專輯英文名: Assassin's.Creed.III.Original.Soundtrack
藝術家: Lorne Balfe
資源格式: MP3
發行時間: 2012年10月30日
地區: 美國
語言: 英語
Lorne Balfe是格萊美獲獎者和BAFTA提名的電影作曲家。他曾爲夢工廠動畫電影超級大壞蛋配樂,還有朗·霍華德(Ron Howard)的電影的,與獲得奧斯卡獎的作曲家漢斯·齊默合作。
在2011年,Balfe與Jesper Kyd一起爲《刺客信條:啓示錄》配樂,並獲得了BAFTA最佳原創音樂提名。2012年中,Balfe已經成爲一個單獨的作曲家。並爲《Skylanders:巨人》和新發布的《刺客信條3》配樂。
Lorne Balfe is a Grammy award- winning and BAFTA nominated film composer from Inverness, Scotland. Lorne is known for composing the scores to the Dreamworks’ animation Megamind, and Ron Howard’s film The Dilemma, in collaboration with Academy Award-winning composer, Hans Zimmer.
Balfe has composed additional music for The Dark Knight, Inception, Rango, Kung Fu Panda 2, Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows, Madagascar 3, and 2012′s The Dark Knight Rises.
In 2011, Balfe composed alongside Jesper Kyd for the game, Assassin’s Creed: Revelations and earned a BAFTA nomination for Best Original Music. A year later in 2012, Balfe was already hard at work composing as a solo composer for Skylanders: Giants and the newly released, Assassin’s Creed III.