"《魔力全能音樂工作室》(MAGIX Samplitude Music Studio 15 d-version v15.0.1.0)[ZIP]"介紹
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MAGIX Samplitude Music Studio 15 d-version v15.0.1.0
地 區:
語 言:
MAGIX “全能音樂霸”能做什麽?
※ 錄下您的歌聲或饒舌口白丶MIDI彈奏和樂團表演
※ MAGIX mastering Suite --專業音樂後制(mastering)工具
※ 多種聲音效果器來編輯錄音內容
※ 彙入並編輯使用音樂素材(sample loops)
※ 8種虛擬樂器 Vita丶Revolta 2丶Robata丶LiViD丶Drum'n'Bass丶Sample Tank 2 MX丶Beat Box丶ATMOS,讓您成爲一人大樂團!
※ AudioID 功能
※ 錄制自己專屬的Podcast節目並上傳至網路
※ 幫視訊影片配樂
100% Samplitude!
MAGIX“全能音樂霸”(Samplitude Music Studio),由知名專業音樂制作軟體“Samplitude”研發團隊參與設計,因此包括操作畫面丶混音器和播放控制台都與“Samplitude”完全相同,更加提升“全能音樂霸”的專業質感!
嶄新的 Hybrid Audio 引擎
現在 SamplitudeR Music Studio 也擁有獨一無二的 Hybrid Audio 引擎了。它能結合低延遲度引擎和傳統的 SamplitudeR 播放引擎,讓延遲度降至最低,又能表現絕佳的音質。 例如: 在進行現場錄音時,能使用低延遲度引擎,來讓延遲度降至最低;若在進行後制工作時,則使用傳統播放引擎,來表現最佳的輸出音質。
MAGIX AudioID - 神奇的音樂指紋技術
MAGIX AudioID 是來自 Fraunhofer 研究所 (MP3 格式的創始單位) 所提供的最新技術,能夠提供單一音樂的曲目丶專輯丶分類和相關資訊。隻要一個按鍵,就能幫錄自舊錄音帶或任何形式的音樂,從龐大的線上資料庫中找到該音樂的所有相關資訊。
您可利用滑鼠畫筆,輕松畫出音量丶左右聲道丶VST 參數轉場等效果,讓每條音軌都能擁有不同的效果特性。您對推桿任何的移動也都能即時被錄下。
MAGIX SampleTank 2 MX
增加了專業的取樣音源播放器“SampleTank 2 MX”,讓您能以 MIDI 鍵盤或是滑鼠來取用多達16種樂器的音源,每種樂器同時可加上4種效果。
簡單快速的 Auto JamSession 編曲功能
讓家庭音樂工作站變得更容易:使用 Auto JamSession 您隻要由下拉式選單選取要表現的音樂類型,就能輕松快速完成簡短的編曲。誰說編曲就很費時間呢?
以MP3隨身碟錄下聲音後,回來才發現背景雜音很大,但又無法重錄,該怎麽辦? 別擔心,MAGIX“全能音樂霸”現在增加了數款去除雜音的效果器,隻要動動滑鼠,就能把這些討厭的雜音一並去除。
MAGIX VariVerb 空間效果器
想讓聲音呈現夢幻的空間感嗎? 這個專業的“VariVerb”空間效果器,能提供不可思議的神奇空間效果,無論是浩瀚空曠的大草原,或是密閉的小房間,甚至是逼真的現場演唱會,各種不同的立體空間效果,絕對能讓您的聲音煥然一新!
MAGIX 彈性音訊修正器(Elastic Audio Easy)
從現在起,您可以如同MIDI般編輯音訊聲音了! 因爲有了 MAGIX 彈性音訊修正器(Elastic Audio Easy),會自動將音訊切割成數個小片段,您就可以滑鼠方式將小段音訊的音高(pitch)拉至想要修正的位置。
不僅如此,您也不用再擔心歌聲單薄了,因爲它也能根據您的音調,自動幫您加上4部合唱(4-vocal choir),還可調整合唱調性(大調或是小調)。夠神奇吧! 有了MAGIX彈性音訊修正器,就能讓您的歌聲超級變變變!
更好用的 MIDI Editor 讓你的 MIDI 發揮極至!
新的 MIDI 編輯器提供給你多種功能:除了 MIDI 錄音丶編輯外,並能插入外掛樂器(plug-in instruments)。另外還能以畫圖方式處理MIDI data,與其他實用的MIDI 處理工具。還能自動産生五線譜並提供列印功能喔。
MAGIX 經典吉他效果器組
還在苦惱要花錢爲吉他購買效果器嗎? 別擔心,我們提供了一套經典的吉他效果器組(MAGIX Vintage Effects Suite),無論是合音(Chorus)丶失真音(Flanger)丶延遲音(delay)和濾音(Filter)效果,都能提供不可思議的超值音效。
簡單又直觀的混音台介面,在操作上十分簡單方便。每條音軌帶有4個 AUX 輸入和4個效果插槽,提供 VST 和 DirectXR 效果器來使用 (master 軌可使用8個外掛程式)。無論是要調整音量或是左右聲道,都十分順手。
BitMachine 效果器
MAGIX BitMachine 能提供卓越的低音質 (lo-fi) 音效,讓您的數位錄音也能産生“古早留聲機”的效果。
聲音取樣器 MAGIX Vita
新增的虛擬樂器 MAGIX Vita 是一台聲音取樣器(Sound Sampler),它能産生許多不同樂器的聲音,例如吉他丶貝斯或電鋼琴等。每種聲音都與真實樂器幾乎完全相同,您就可以使用MIDI鍵盤或滑鼠來彈奏出最酷的曲調!
電子合成器 Revolta 2
新增的虛擬樂器 Revolta 2 是一台電子合成樂器。它可以産生多變又令人震撼的 lead & bass 音色,可以適用於各種類型的音樂。 如果您一直想要添購一台絢麗音色的電子合成器,恭喜您! 可以省下這筆費用了!
MAGIX 提供了多種合成器讓您使用:Robota丶Silver Synth丶Drum&Bass丶Beatbox 和 LiViD 等,讓您一次就可擁有這些專業樂器,不必再加購其他外掛樂器。
後制工具 MAGIX mastering Suite
後制效果器組 MAGIX mastering Suite 的操作面闆更增添專業質感了! 您可以這些專業功能的效果器,來爲音樂作品進行後制工作。後制效果器組能修飾聲音,讓您的音樂更加專業! 無論是使用預設值,或是隨自己喜好來調整,都能輕松獨立完成音樂後制工作。
新的 MAGIX “全能音樂霸” 依舊提供功能強大的效果器組,讓您無須擔心錄音品質不佳。隻要動動編輯參數,就能瞬間優化您的錄音內容。這些效果器組的面闆也變得更加具有質感! 仿佛就像是真的實體一般!
新增環境音樂虛擬樂器 MAGIX Atmos
您不必爲了背景音效還要再去購買音效素材片了! MAGIX Atmos 提供您想要的音效聲音,無論是暴風雨聲丶下雨聲或是農場的動物吵雜聲,隻要轉轉按鈕就能輕松完成!
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▄███ ▐█▌ ▄ TE 2009 PRESENTS ▄ ▐█▌ ███▄
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▄▄▄███▄▄ ▄▄ ██▄▄▄██ ANOTHER FINE RELEASE ██▄▄▄██ ▄▄ ▄▄███▄▄▄
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Release: MAGIX Samplitude Music Studio 15 d-version v15.0.1.0
(c) 2009 MAGIX
Date: 07/31/2009
Cracked By: Twisted EndZ
Release Type:
[X] Registration/Serial Crack
[X] Activation Crack
[ ] Trial Crack
[X] Server Check Crack
[ ] Serial
[ ] Hidden/Added Features Enabler
[ ] Other
[ ] Loader Patcher [ ] Patch [X] Precracked [ ] RegFile
[ ] Keygen
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▀▀▓▓█▄▀▀██▄▄▄ ▄▄▄██ RELEASE NOTES ██▄▄▄ ▄▄▄██▀▀▄█▓▓▀▀
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Samplitudeо Music Studio 15 is the professional complete solution
for simply perfect recordings! From the first idea to a complete
This compact studio for musicians impresses with its combination
of intuitive handling and powerful features Ц perfect for every
band member and the ideal partner for successful solo projects:
recordings, mixing, CD mastering Ц all in one.
Top Features:
Samplitude Music Studio 15 is the top-grade solution for
professional music production on your PC Ц ideal for guitarists,
keyboardists, band members, singers, soloists, and multimedia
╖ Easy to use
╖ Direct multitrack recording
╖ First-class virtual instruments
╖ High-quality studio effects
╖ Professional mixing console
╖ Synchronous audio & MIDI editing
╖ Mastering suite for the perfect sound
╖ Retroactive pitch correction
╖ Burn CDs in music publishing-standard quality
╖ Supports VST, ASIO, ReWire, DirectX
╖ NEW! Multitrack recorder (MR-64)
NEW! Perfect multitrack recordings:
The integrated multitrack recorder (MR-64) combines the trusted
handling of a multitrack recorder with all of the advantages of a
PC system. Discover the advantages:
1. Giant selection of effects: Simply select high-quality effects
with a click and add them as desired to any channel.
2. Convenient functions: Load, save, export projects as MP3
without any problems Ц no more annoying menus!
3. Seamless integration: All recordings are automatically
transferred to arranger projects for detailed post-production
The clearly laid-out mixing console gives you great control over
your song projects. A highly developed EQ section offers you the
ability to optimally maneuver between every track and integrate
every instrument into the mix.
It's never been easier to create the perfect mix.
╖ 4 AUX paths per track
╖ 4 effects slots for VST and DirectX effects per track
╖ Up to 8 plug-ins in the master track
CD mastering
The integrated MAGIX Mastering Suite is perfect for users who
need a brilliant and pumping sound:
The equalizer adds the final polish to your master track. The
high-performance stereo FX module expands the width of the stereo
picture. MultiMax, the multiband compressor/limiter shows
immediate results, producing inimitable, warm sound picture.
And if it has to go quickly, simply select one of many studio
templates Ц perfect sound at the click of a button.
One click is enough to burn it all onto CD in recording
industry-standard formats!
Guitarists in particular get their money's worth from Samplitude
Music Studio 15!
Clean Electric Guitar is extremely convincing with classic, pure
sound, and together with distortion effects, it works especially
well for modern pop and rock productions.
Additionally, there are new Power Chords: You simply have to try
the highly authentic distortion guitars Ц there's no room for
Keyboardists, sound experimenters, and soundtrack producers will
be very excited by the new soundtrack percussion set: assertive
percussion sounds like barrels, ambos hits, etc. are just the
NEW! BeatBox 2 plus:
The new version of the popular BeatBox has been developed even
further Ц a true flagship among drum computers. Besides the
completely new sound engine, numerous options for sound shaping,
and high-quality effects, the new BeatBox offers additional drum
kits, full automation of all parameters for exciting sound
processes, and an integrated effects section! Tweak your beats
however you want!
Revolta 2:
Revolta 2 shows the full potential of virtual-analog sound
synthesis. Plenty of features like 12-voice polyphony, noise
generator, modulation matrix, and an integrated effects section
offer lively sounds for any kind of electronic music. The
integrated effects section and a handy step sequencer complete
the function range.
Vintage Effects Suite:
Let the authentic effects from a unique category surprise you:
The Vintage Effects Suite offers classic effects devices like
chorus, flanger, delay, distortion, filter, and tape simulation.
Behind the retro interface design, carefully developed effects
algorithms that have yet to find their equals are busy at work.
Discover the potential of the individual modules and enrich your
instruments with a special sound atmosphere.
Auto JamSession:
You play an instrument, but don't always have a band around you?
With the integrated Auto JamSession, you can have a perfect
accompaniment every time! Simply select a musical style and start
Ц what you hear will leave most "accompaniment automation" in the
dust, because all tracks are shown in the arranger and can be
edited in just as much detail as your own productions Ц the
perfect compliment to soloists!
Elastic Audio:
Elastic Audio is the specialist for audio editing of monophone
audio signals, like vocals and solo instruments. Single syllables
are automatically subdivided into slices and their pitch can be
edited independent of each other!
Tune your vocals to the tee or create a choir with up to 4 vocals
using the intelligent harmonizer, which adjusts itself
automatically to the pitch selected.
Elastic Audio easy is the ideal tool for experimental drum
Samplitude Music Studio 15 allows free and easy integration of
plug-ins from other providers via VST and DirectX.
Your advantage: Upgrade the functions as you please and adjust
them the way you want. For example, embed additional new effects
and synthesizer plug-ins from third party providers using these
standard interfaces! Take advantage of the open system.
Online Archive:
Simply download new sounds
Catooh Ц the Online Content Library is your online sound
archive. Whatever it is that you are looking for Ц drum loops,
instruments, vocals or sound effects Ц Samplitude Music Studio
15 provides a direct connection to this giant sound library and
supports every one of your song ideas with the right audio
For More Info On MAGIX Samplitude Music Studio 15:
TE Release Filename: tsms151x.zip
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Install samplitude_music_studio_15_90mb_us.exe. After
installation copy precracked exe from the Crack folder to the
installed folder of MAGIX Samplitude Music Studio 15, making sure
to overwrite the existing file. Next launch MAGIX Samplitude
Music Studio 15. Now Click on Enter activation code. A new
window will popup, now use ANY activation code and click on
Activate.... MAGIX Samplitude Music Studio 15 will accept
activation, close and then start to update to the FULL d-version.
If you want updates to work along with other services you will
have to click @Services then Online Login Details --->
Administrate your login details.... Then register a new account,
its free.
Thats it! Enjoy.
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▄ Don't Hate The Hacker, Hate The Code ▀░
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