遊戲名稱:我的寵物恐龍 英文名稱:My Pet Dinosaur 制作廠商:P2 Games 遊戲發行:Honeyslug Ltd 遊戲語種:英語 遊戲類型:TCG 養成類遊戲 遊戲平台:PC 遊戲容量:1DVD 發售日期:2009年 官方網址:http://www.honeyslug.com/category/my-pet-dino/ 厭倦了倉鼠、豚鼠?想找點比小貓更有趣的動物?來試試《我的寵物恐龍》吧。 開始你將獲得一個恐龍蛋,接下來,你就可以給你的史前寵物洗澡、喂食,甚至撫摸它們。記得千萬別把它們喂得太飽,否則史前巨糞會夠你受的。快來領著你的恐龍寵物尋找食物、朋友和寶藏吧。 亮點: - 選擇你最喜愛的恐龍配置 - 探索12個不同的場所,包括公園和市區 - 給你的寵物洗澡、喂食、愛撫 - 三種不同的挑戰賽測試你的寵物的技能水平 - 尋找神秘禮物和隱藏寶藏 - 和其他恐龍朋友互動 - 給恐龍打扮,給恐龍找玩具(文:life_is_good@YDY) Bored of hamsters and guinea pigs? Want something more exciting than a kitten? Then My Pet Dinosaur is for you! Just fill out the order form and an official dino egg will be yours! Look after your prehistoric pet by washing, feeding and stroking it. Be careful not to over feed it or you might be stuck with a case of primeval poo! Play with your dino and explore different environments to find food, friends and treasure. Take good care of your dino and it’ll be an epic friend forever! Features: ~~~~~~~~~ - Choose your favourite Dino spec - Explore 12 locations including the park and down town - Wash, feed and stroke your pet - Test your dino skills in 3 different challenge events! - Catch mystery gifts and gig up hidden treasure - Meet up and play with dino pals - Dress your dino in hats and glasses, and find toys for them to play with. - Over 20 items to find and collect