《柯勒律治:古舟子詠》(The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge)[MP3] 簡介: 原著:柯勒律治 播講者:ML Cohen, Kristin Luoma 類別:有聲文學 集數:7集 碼率:192kbps 內容簡介: 薩缪爾•柯勒律治(1772-1834)英國湖畔詩人之一,著名評淪家,浪漫主義思潮的主要代表。柯勒律治寫詩不多,然而其中有不朽之作,例如《古舟子詠》和《忽必烈汗》,這些詩表現了詩人奇特的想象力如何馳騁在遙遠的海洋和中古的月下城堡之間,立意新穎,感情激蕩,想
"《柯勒律治:古舟子詠》(The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge)[MP3]"介紹
播講者:ML Cohen, Kristin Luoma
In 1798, the two men published a joint volume of poetry, Lyrical Ballads, which became a landmark in English poetry. 1798年,他同華茲華斯合作出版《抒情歌謠集》,成爲英詩發展的一座裏程碑。
In addition to “The Ancient Mariner,” he wrote “Kubla Khan,” began writing “Christabel” and composed “This Lime-Tree Bower My Prison,” “Frost at Midnight,” and “The Nightingale,” which are considered to be his best “conversational” poems.他創作了《古航海家之歌》,《忽必烈汗》,《子夜寒霜》,《夜莺》等名詩,這些都是他“對話詩”的代表。
Philosophically and critically, Coleridge opposed the limitedly rationalistic trends of the the 18th-century thought.在哲學與文學評論方面,科勒律治反對18世紀那種局限的理性主義潮流。
he advocated a more spiritual and religious interpretation of life, based on what he had learnt from Kant and Schelling.他倡導了以坎特與斯凱靈理論的對人類精神化與宗教化的诠釋。
He believed that art is the only permanent revelation of the nature of reality.他認爲藝術是唯一一種能永遠揭示現實的形式。
Coleridge’s actual achievement as poet can be divided into two remarkably diverse groups: the demonic and the conversational.柯勒律治在詩歌方面的成就可分爲不同的兩大類,神祗詩與對話詩。
Mysticism and demonism with strong imagination are the distinctive features of this group.這些詩歌的顯著特點,便是神秘與想象。
“Christabel” uses a freer version of the ballad form to create an atmosphere of the Gothic horror at once delicate and sinister.“克麗斯特貝爾”一詩采用了更爲自由的抒情詩形式,創造出的是與一種微妙而又邪惡的哥特式恐怖氛圍。
He sings highly Wordsworth’s “purity of language,” “deep and subtle thoughts,” “Perfect truth to nature” and his “imaginative power.” But he denies Wordsworth’s claim that there is no essential difference between the language of poetry and the language spoken by common people.他高度贊賞華茲華斯那“純淨的語言”,“深邃的思想”,“對自然完美真實的描述”以及他“非凡的想象力”。但是他不贊成華茲華斯所說的“詩歌語言與普通百姓的生活語言沒什麽兩樣”。
Coleridge was esteemed by some of his contemporaries and is generally recognized today as a lyrical poet and literary critic of the first rank.科勒律治被同時期的詩界所尊崇,直至今日也被奉爲第一流的抒情詩人與文學評論家。
he was one of the most influential English literary critics and philosophers of the 19th century.他是19世紀浪漫主義文學與哲學的代表。