發行廠牌:BMG 專輯類型:Jazz, Cool 壓縮比率:CBR 320 kbps / 44.1 KHz / Joint Stereo 專輯介紹: Chet Baker(1929-1988)是一位白人爵士小喇叭手,在五0年代屬於西岸酷派爵士樂的代表人物,冷調的音樂充滿疏離的感覺,與他帥氣有點憂鬱的外表相當吻合。 在這張「White blues」的精選集中,收錄有許多熟悉的經典名曲,如「White blues」、「Round midnigh」等樂曲 ,其中「Somewhere over of rainbow」一曲,在眾樂手各顯神通挑戰之餘,Chet Baker以單薄又拉長的聲音吹奏出開頭旋律,馬上流露出一種鬱鬱寡歡的淡愁滋味,緊緊扣住人心。 Chet Baker的音樂,相當適合在夜深人靜的時候聆賞,細細的品味那種小喇叭空氣滑過銅管的吹奏聲,振動空氣裏的寂寥粒子,增添孤獨清冷的感受。在某種程度上,Chet Baker的音樂少了些節奏感,甚至演奏時的Chet Baker,進入一種沉溺自醉的狀態,彷彿爲自己而吹奏,不爲別人。但這就是Chet Baker。 在Chet Baker的年代裏,爵士樂因發展源流,多數由黑人樂手獨霸,人們視Chet Baker爲白人爵士樂的旗手,總喜歡將他與另一位酷派爵士代表人物Miles Davis相提,但是二者風格並不一樣,如果說Miles Davis是位偉大的革命家,不斷尋求爵士樂的可能性,那麽Chet Baker就算是一位園丁,在自己美麗的花園內,細細地把玩自己的小號,營造一種共享孤單的氛圍。 當旗手對於Chet Baker而言,顯得有點眾人瘋,他卻是冷眼自樂的態式。縱使年輕時的Chet Baker,將生命揮霍在不拘中,吹奏的音樂充滿孤傲的自信,但在疏離的音樂中,可以感受到某種年少說愁的孤冷動人。那種味道絕對是先讓人愛上他那離心一公分的音樂氣氛,再迎合上他那低沉時幾乎聽不見的音樂旋律。 年輕的Chet Baker,憂鬱總是白色的。
Amazon.co.uk reviewer: 引用There's no need for anyone to blow his trumpet. Chet Baker does it with consumate grace and with a swing that does justice to the material he transforms from good to magnificent. White Blues is littered with cool cool tracks that tell their own tales. Here is a white player who truly understands the blues and makes a connection with the great players and singers of the music. His phrasing has the timing of Billy Holiday, the grace of early Miles and the drive of The Bird. White Blues is the business. Personnel: Chet Baker - Trumpet Harold Danko - Piano Ben Riley - Drums Ricardo del Fra - Bass Michael Graillier - Piano Daniel Humair - Drums Jon Burr - Bass Benoit Quersin - Bass Max Bolleman - Engineer Rene Thomas - Guitar Bobby Jasper - Flute, Tenor Sax Amadeo Thommasi - Piano