"Solar Fields -《Blue Moon Station》[MP3]"介紹
音樂廠牌:Ultimae Records
壓縮比率:192Kbps CBR
Solar Fields第二張專輯,較爲早期的作品了。沒有複雜的編曲以及令人耳花缭亂的音色,但已足夠缭繞起整個氣氛。這可能就是ambient的魅力。這張專輯裏面有緩和的,也有緊湊動感的,整體較爲冷峻。推薦主打曲(well,應該是主打)Blue Moon Station,很明亮的音樂,光線仿佛化成液體,在空氣中流動,穿插,折射;再加之有點土著風味的鼓點,跟主線完美的融合起來了,整個氣氛也隨之躍動起來。很光明。
Welcome to [ Blue Moon Station ], starting point of a walk through a futuristic space where all is free, fluid and dense, a series of high tech ambient and trancey energies hallmarked by sound architect Solar Fields. Following his successful first album "Reflective Frequencies" acclaimed by the international press as "the Swedish The Orb - innovative and deep sound", Magnus Birgersson once again confirms his multi-instrumentalist and sound designer talent.Get connected on [ Blue Moon Station ] via Confusion Illusion, intermeddling of various sound spaces, as much primitive as purely designed. Make your way through the streets and downtempo platforms of Elevator Sunshine Girl. Come back to harsh technological reality with a Cosmic Dessert and find refuge in the floating ethnic rest areas of Magic Eye. Move on in this self-governing city with Infection 286-7 trancey speed. After having run in the city's first lights, why not enjoy total weightlessness with Magnetic Air. In fact, we shall leave it up to you now to feel and imagine the sequel of this story and to put your own words on these tracks. Since, let us not forget it, this dream lit music station offers so much freedom.
Recorded in Sweden at the Studio Jupiter and mastered in France with the famous dutch engineer Huby Sea using the latest Protools version and "secret plug-ins".
試聽——Blue Moon Station