"《探索頻道 藍色王國》(Discovery Channel The Blue Realm)全4集[720P]"介紹
The Blue Realm is a natural history television series about amazing creatures of the sea. Utilizing superb High-Definition imagery, engaging stories, and leading marine scientists the series takes viewers on extraordinary journeys of discovery!
The Blue Realm is produced by a team of film-makers and expert divers, all of whom have a passion for the sea and our marine environments. The crew has travelled to some of the world's top undersea destinations to capture spectacular images in the High-Definition format. Filming locations included: Papua New Guinea, Palau (Micronesia), South Africa, the Red Sea, the Great Barrier Reef, the Bahamas, Cocos Island (Costa Rica), British Columbia, Texas, Indonesia, the Socorro Archipelago (Mexico), California and Florida.
Tentacles follows Dr. Jennifer Mather as she leads a team of renowned scientists to the beautiful Caribbean island of Bonaire.Their mission is to prove a controversial theory: reef squid speak to each other with a complex language they paint on their skin.
The episode features the bizarre courtship and never- before-filmed egg-laying rituals of reef squid. Travel to the Pacific Northwest for an encounter with the world's largest Octopus . You'll also witness the fascinating hunting technique of the cuttlefish.
Giants of San Benedicto
Giants of San Benedicto features Dr. Robert Rubin and his ground-breaking research of giant Mantas. You'll travel to the remote Socorro Islands off Mexico's Pacific coast and see breath-taking encounters with enormous manta rays.
You're sure to love these majestic giants as you see how they invite human contact, and encourage certain divers to ride them. The film crew also travels to the Bahamas to visit 'Bubbles', a fifteen foot Manta in the worlds largest aquarium, and witness her release back into the ocean.
Miracle Venom
Miracle Venom explores the strange, and often bizarre world of the oceans most venomous animals. Follow Dr. Glen Burns as he handles deadly Sea Snakes with only his bare hands. You'll be amazed at how a small Cone Snail hunts, paralyses and then eats it's prey alive.
The waters of Papua New Guinea and Australia's Great Barrier Reef harbour an exceptional variety of venomous fish and invertebrates.The poisons of these animals are some of the most lethal known to man.They also, however, hold enormous potential in the development of therapeutic drugs.
Shark Business
Shark Business unravels some of the mysteries surrounding sharks with controversial behaviorist Dr. Erich Ritter. You'll witness divers testing the limits of shark-human interaction outside of cages with dangerous sharks such as lemon, bull and even great white sharks!
Recount the events that led to the attack that almost killed Dr. Ritter. Witness a feeding Frenzy of over 100 reef sharks in the Bahamas, and see a diver literally ride a Great White Shark in Gansbai, South Africa! This episode has shark action like you have never seen before!