《同調代數方法》((俄羅斯)蓋爾範德)清晰版[PDF] 簡介: 簡介: 內容簡介: Homological algebra first arose as a language for describing topological prospects of geometrical objects. As with every successful language it quickly expanded its coverage and semant
內容簡介: Homological algebra first arose as a language for describing topological prospects of geometrical objects. As with every successful language it quickly expanded its coverage and semantics, and its contemporary applications are many and diverse. This modern approach to homological algebra, by two leading writers in the field, is based on the systematic use of the language and ideas of derived categories and derived functors. Relations with standard cohomology theory (sheaf cohomology, spectral sequences, etc.) are described. In most cases complete proofs are given. Basic concepts and results of homotopical algebra are also presented. The book addresses people who want to learn a modern approach to homological algebra and to use it in their work. For the second edition the authors have made numerous corrections. 作者簡介: 蓋爾範德:蘇聯數學家,生物學家。1913年9月2日生於紅奧克內。1930年中學未畢業時遷居莫斯科,以後自修數學 。1932年19歲時,進入莫斯科大學攻讀研究生課程,於1935 年獲副博士學位,1940年獲物理學數學科學博士學位。1943年起任莫斯科大學教授,後兼任該大學生物數學研究所所長,1953年當選爲蘇聯科學院陸軍通訊院士,1978年獲得沃爾夫獎。2009年10月5日逝世。蓋爾範德建立了賦範環論,即交換巴拿赫代數論。他運用代數方法,引進極大理想子環空間,給出元素在其上的表示(蓋爾範德表示)的概念,將線性算子譜論等學科研究引向深入。他與M.A.奈瑪克合作,於1943年開創了 C *代數的研究。此外,他在酉表示理論及廣義函數論方面都有建樹。 內容截圖: