Sylvain Luc -《Joko》[FLAC] 簡介: 發行廠牌:Dreyfus 專輯介紹: 法國爵士大獎最佳演奏樂手,法國最耀眼的新生代吉他手Sylvain Luc闊別兩年之後最新演奏專輯《Joko》.榮獲2002年法國的葛萊美獎「Victoire de la Musique」最佳爵士藝人、新生代爵士吉他手席爾維‧路(Sylvain Luc),遇上被譽爲傳奇吉他大師金格‧萊恩哈特的接班人、著名的比利時籍爵士吉他大師伯瑞利‧拉葛蘭(Bire
"Sylvain Luc -《Joko》[FLAC]"介紹
法國爵士大獎最佳演奏樂手,法國最耀眼的新生代吉他手Sylvain Luc闊別兩年之後最新演奏專輯《Joko》.榮獲2002年法國的葛萊美獎「Victoire de la Musique」最佳爵士藝人、新生代爵士吉他手席爾維‧路(Sylvain Luc),遇上被譽爲傳奇吉他大師金格‧萊恩哈特的接班人、著名的比利時籍爵士吉他大師伯瑞利‧拉葛蘭(Bireli Lagrene)。兩把原聲吉他交會對彈、超炫技法透明璀璨在大師伯瑞利‧拉葛蘭音樂上的大力作嫁下、捧紅了席爾維‧路這顆未來的爵士吉他之星!
以咆勃樂派及酷派等主流爵士爲主力訴求的Dreyfus Jazz,旗下包括有「鋼琴小巨人」米榭‧派卓契亞尼(Michel Petrucciani)、世界排名第一的手風琴大師理查‧蓋利安諾(Richard Galliano)、當今最佳的大樂團明格斯大樂團(Mingus Big Band)、傳奇鼓手洛伊‧海恩斯(Roy Haynes)、知名吉他手伯瑞利‧拉葛蘭(Bireli Lagrene)、電吉他大師菲利普‧凱薩林(Phillip Catherine)、著名次中音薩克斯風手史帝夫‧葛羅斯曼(Steve Grossman)、2002年葛萊美音樂獎得主貝斯手馬克斯‧米勒(Marcus Miller)、鋼琴手尚米榭‧皮爾(Jean-MichelPilc)、吉他手席維爾‧路(Sylvain Luc)以及次中音薩風手羅沙利歐‧朱利安尼(Rosario Giuliani)等著名樂手。
"A phenomenal technician with a very fertile imagination and an assured sense of swing." --Jazz Times Magazine
Six years ago, Sylvain Luc was formally introduced to American audiences with Duet, the unparalleled guitar duo album with gypsy guitar king Biréli Lagrène. With Sud (2001) and Trio Sud (2002), both featuring the vibrant and sparkling rhythm section of Jean-Marc Jafet on bass and Andre Ceccarelli on drums, and 2005's Ambre, the sensuous and beautiful solo guitar album, Luc has thrilled and entranced critics and music lovers with his one-of-a-kind sound. Now, in his late 30's, Luc is poised to re-emerge from the French jazz scene - the first community to embrace his traditional Basque sounds - to once again offer the wider world of mainstream jazz his most sophisticated recording to date. (About the Artist)
On Sylvain Luc's fifth recording titled "Joko," the critically acclaimed French guitarist makes a bold departure from his previous solo and trio recordings to perform with a dynamic new group featuring French avant-garde legend Michel Portal on clarinet and young French piano favorite Jacky Terrasson. Rounding out this unique ensemble are Pascal Rey on drums and percussion, Eric Longsworth on cello, Olivier Ker-Ourio on harmonica, and Iranian brothers Keyvan and Bijan Chenirani on daf, zarb, bendir and udu.
"Joko" gives fans a taste of Luc's elegant chord voicings on 15 great songs. Listeners are treated to his lyrical acoustic guitar lines, effortless grooves and the ethereal chord textures of Joe Jackson's "Steppin' Out," the clean, round sounds of Keith Jarrett's "Coral," the mesmerizing nuance of Paul McCartney's "This Never Happened Before" (from his recent hit Chaos and Creation in the Backyard), and the eclecticism of "Fandanguito," a Luc original.
The guitar tuning Luc uses is an outgrowth of his traditional Basque decent. Much like his good friend Bireli Lagrene, Sylvain Luc was a child prodigy from a family of traditional gypsy musicians and has grown into an amazing technician, combining a total command of the jazz guitar tradition with a deep love and understanding of world music, including that of his own Basque heritage. When you talk about crossing his sound over into jazz, he is really relentless and is making that happen beautifully through the use of multiple guitars, overdubbed bass lines, and percussive taps on the guitar body. The diversity of the recording will hold your interest from start to finish with its stirring combination of standards and original material.( Product