"《無極黑坦克概念設計》(Massive Black Kemp Remillard Vehicle Concepting Part 1/2/3)[Bin]"介紹
類別:PS 概念設計教程
無極黑出品的軍事坦克概念設計教程,分爲四個部分,包含了講師 Kemp 爲遊戲或是娛樂行業所設計的科幻車輛的整個過程與工作方法。
在 Part1 中,Kemp 以一個典型的工作表估算客戶的目標與需求,一旦有了基本方向便開始在 Photoshop 中創建素描的設計過程。在側面圖中,主要是制定比例與工程計算的問題。
整個系列提供了一個美好的實例,讓藝術家和他們的客戶知道如何使用一個循環過程完善粗略的概念成爲一個充分開發的資源。Kemp 率直的敘述揭示了在設計、方法、客戶關系以及更多領域的深奧經驗。
Part2 從選取三個最佳的縮覽圖並彙入 Google SketchUp 開始,做出粗略的模型後 Kemp 將它們拿到 Photoshop 中添加基調、光照效果以及紋理。
This four-part series covers the process and working methods Kemp uses for designing science-fiction vehicles for the games and entertainment
In part 1, Kemp utilizes a typical job sheet to assess the goals and needs of a client. Once he has his general direction he begins creating thumbnail sketches in Photoshop to begin the design process. Working in a side-view, plans are drawn up to work out issues of proportion and engineering.
Part 2 begins with Kemp choosing the three best thumbnails and taking them into Google Sketchup. The rough models are made and then Kemp takes these into Photoshop to add mood, lighting, and texture.
The whole series provides a beautiful example of the way in which artists and their clients can use the iterative process to refine a rough idea into a fully developed asset. Kemp's candid narrative reveals a great depth of experience in areas of design, approach, client relations, and more.