《福樓拜-Three Short Works》[MP3] 簡介: Three Short Works 是福樓拜的著作,由大衛.巴恩斯朗讀.很值得一聽. 居斯達夫·福樓拜是19世紀中葉法國重要的批判現實主義作家,1821年12月17日出生在盧昂一個著名的外科醫生家庭。其作品反映了1848-1871年間法國的時代風貌,揭露了醜惡鄙俗的資産階級社會。他的“客觀而無動於衷”的創作理論和精雕細刻的藝術風格,在法國文學史上獨樹一幟 下面是福樓拜曾經說過的:a p
"《福樓拜-Three Short Works》[MP3]"介紹
Three Short Works 是福樓拜的著作,由大衛.巴恩斯朗讀.很值得一聽.
下面是福樓拜曾經說過的:a prose poem in the voices of Death, Satan and Nero; the trials and apotheosis of a medieval saint; and the life of a selfless maid in 19th century France. Each exhibits the vigorous exactness, and the mixture of realism and romanticism, for which Flaubert is renowned.
The Dance of Death
The Legend of St Julian the Hospitaller
A Simple Soul
Three Short Works
Written by Gustave Flaubert
Read by David Barnes
Here is a collection of strikingly different pieces by Flaubert: a prose poem in the voices of Death, Satan and Nero; the trials and apotheosis of a medieval saint; and the life of a selfless maid in 19th century France. Each exhibits the vigorous exactness, and the mixture of realism and romanticism, for which Flaubert is renowned.
These CD’s are made from files originating from librivox.org and are in the public domain. Although LibriVox condones the selling of these CD’s, it has nothing to do with the selling of these CD’s.
3 CD’s for an approximate play time 3 hours.
These CD’s will play on any ordinary CD player, NO MP3 player and/or computer is required.
These CD’s are labeled as pictured.
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