"《CG數字資産管理》(Avid Alienbrain Studio 7.5.1)英文[Bin]"介紹
中文名: CG數字資産管理英文名: Avid Alienbrain Studio 7.5.1資源格式: 光盤鏡像版本: 英文發行時間: 2006年制作發行: Avid Technology簡介:
軟件分類: 國外軟件 / 零售版 / 媒體管理
文件大小: 446M
適用平台: 98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003/longhorn
[已通過安裝測試]WinXP+SP2和WIN2003專業版 WIN98
共享服務器:DonkeyServer No1-3 . DonkeyServer No5
Avid Alienbrain Studio 7.5.1 (CG數字資産管理)介紹:
“專業創作人員一直希望能夠找到簡化大量數字資産管理這一非常複雜過程的方法,NXN突破性的技術已經迅速成爲包括Sony Pictures Imageworks、中國中央電視台、電子世界在內的衆多領先制作公司認可的媒體管理工具。” 這個軟件就是Avid Alienbrain Studio 7.5
Avid Technology發售Avid Alienbrain Studio 7.5――數字資源管理軟件的最新版本。這個軟件是爲了滿足那些需要在遊戲開發或是工業設計中管理大量資源的要求。這次的Alienbrain Studio 7.5有兩個不同的版本:Alienbrain Essentials,售價爲US 495;另一個版本是Alienbrain Advanced,售價爲US 1495。
這次的Alienbrain Studio 7.5提高了團隊的工作效率,增加了一些新的特性以提高系統的可靠性和軟件的協同工作的能力。這些內容包括:服務器健康程度監視窗口,動態數據庫監視窗口和一些診斷工具,完全兼容Microsoft.NET framework,對主要的三維建模和動畫工具的插件進行了更新。
Avid Technology, Inc. (NASDAQ: AVID)以 350萬歐元的價格並購Munich-based NXN Software AG公司 - 該公司爲娛樂與電腦動畫産業提供專門的資産與制作管理系統。這次並購行動擴大了Avid在數字資産管理領域的領先優勢,使得公司從事影視後期處理、新聞廣播及三維動畫制作的客戶能夠享用NXN alienbrain 全線産品提供的革命性的工作流處理能力。
Alienbrain Studio 7.5(數字資産管理解決方案)
Alienbrain Studio - 針對計算機圖象及數字娛樂項目的資産管理系統。Alienbrain解決方案幫助你以極高質量按時,按預算完成項目。Alienbrain産品完全是無縫的完成從純粹的軟件結構管理到全面的資産管理一系列的管理。
在去年的遊戲開發者大會(GDC)AVID公司展會上二個不同的地點進行展示:1528展台,展示Softimage三維動畫制作工具系統;另一個是423展台,展示NXN公司行業領先的數字資産管理解決方案Alienbrain Studio。兩個展台均舉辦了技術演示,向參與者展示最新富於創新的工具。這些工具能夠在遊戲的開發中,顯著地簡化複雜的制作流程。
Avid公司視頻開發與運營部副總裁,Joe Bentivegna說:“遊戲制作産業正在高速增長,各主要廠商視頻遊戲終端的單位銷量增幅高達26%,這主要得益於喜愛模擬真實環境的交互遊戲的消費群體的不斷增長。我們的三維動畫軟件及數字資産管理解決方案,能夠幫助世界頂級的開發公司,以極快的節奏從事遊戲的創作。
Avid Alienbrain Studio
Avid 屢獲大獎的資産管理解決方案:Alienbrain Studio,爲創作型遊戲團隊提供從生産過程到制作完工中所需文件安全性,版本控制,路徑,存儲等等諸多資産管理方面的幫助。 其中包括直觀的版本控制、快速的軟件配置管理以及在一個可更新的穩定系統中的針對項目和工作流程的管理功能。Alienbrain Studio provides 爲藝術家、編程人員和經理提供了一個可以更新升級、值得信賴的系統。 使用 Alienbrain Studio 的公司包括衆多世界聞名的娛樂工作室,例如索尼(Sony)、美商藝電有限公司(Electronic Arts)、盧卡斯藝術(LucasArts)和 Atari。
Alienbrain Studio系統,這是NXN公司下一代的資産管理系統。用戶能夠在alienbrain Studio 7中體驗到功能的顯著增強,包括流程優化、可用性增強、及創新的功能升級,如最新的變動管理功能等。所有這些增強功能,都能夠幫助富有創意的開發團隊顯著的提高工作效率。”目前界業數字資産管理解決方案的系統太少。這個版本將填補數字資産管理上的空白!
兼容所有相關類軟件,Alienbrain能夠支持所有格式文件,包括3D模型,貼圖,視頻,音頻,代碼和Office文件。以上分別爲支持手工添加、XSI、Visual Studio、Office、Alias Studio、3DSMax版本、 photoshop、maya版本、服務器、客戶端、開發包。
Alienbrain Version7.5是爲提高生産速度,增加可用性及更高的試用性開發的.
傳統的資産管理系統僅僅關注於數據的存儲與恢複,而Alienbrain Studio通過強大的構架針對整個制作過程進行資産管理。
Server Health Monitor
The Server Health Monitor (SHM) is a modular server-side watchdog process that constantly monitors the operational conditions of the Alienbrain server processes (e.g. disk space, memory conditions, DB journal operations). The system status is reported visually to the administrator’s desktop including many diagnostics and notification procedures. By making the system status more transparent and more easily accessible, the SHM significantly reduces the risks of unscheduled downtime and improves overall availability
Enhanced 3D Integrations
The integrations for the major 3D applications now offer easy access to the complete Alienbrain Studio functionality from within native 3D scripting languages such as MEL and maxscript. That way, asset management integration with existing pipeline tools and customizations becomes much more accessible to 3D tool developers. The integrations have been updated to support Softimage|XSI 5, Alias Maya 7, Discreet 3ds max 8.
Support for Microsoft .NET
Alienbrain Studio 7.5 is 100% compliant to Microsoft’s .NET framework and offers a powerful yet easy to use API that is fully integrated with the development tools in Microsoft Visual Studio .NET. Tool developers can access all of Alienbrain Studio’s functionality when designing their next-generation production pipeline tools using .NET technology exclusively. The Microsoft Visual Studio integration has been updated to support the upcoming Visual Studio .NET 2005 release.
Flexible license options
The management of the client access licenses has been changed to a user-based model where every user allocates a single license regardless of the number of machines being used by that user.
Significantly improved GetLatest speed performance for small files
Getting small files is about 1.5 to 2 times faster when files are transferred from the server to the local machine. The speed-up can be even bigger in GB ethernet enviroments.
Other new features in Alienbrain Studio 7.1 include:
Significantly improved preview and thumbnail speed (up to 10x faster)
Through local caching, Alienbrain Studio 7.1 handles preview and thumbnail communication much more efficiently. Server-side triggers ensure high first-time access performance.
Powerful new searching options
Alienbrain s capabilities for searching through the asset history and through local assets have been extended and optimized in performance. You can now also search for individual file revisions or submitted changes with the option to toggle between both.
Change Sets - advanced features
The new architecture of version 7 enables transaction-based processes, such as a change set functionality that makes it easy to track and review highly complex change operations.
With change sets, you can group changes to multiple files into a logical structure and treat changes to those files as one unit throughout the asset lifecycle. You can then submit these changes in one atomic transaction to the server, either by submitting all changes at once or none at all. This process ensures data integrity on the server even in case the system is disrupted or fails.
Release 7.1 extends the change set support to cover the entire lifecycle of a software project. You can now redirect the results of merge operations to a change set instead of submitting them.
New SOFTIMAGE|XSI integration
With SOFTIMAGE|XSI 4.2 and Alienbrain 7.1, the Alienbrain user interface is available as an embedded view within XSI, integrating the asset management functionality seamlessly into the modeler s workflow. This new integration also updates reference management to support all types of XSI references.
Context-sensitive help
The new release provides context-sensitive online help to assist new users in mastering Alienbrain functionality even faster. Alienbrain 7.1 also supplies reference and background information about the current task for experienced users.
Other new features in Alienbrain Studio 7 include:
Windows Integration Framework (WIF)
The new Microsoft Windows® Integration Framework (WIF) offered in version 7 enables you to integrate any Windows application into your Alienbrain asset management system with very little effort.
Improved Performance and Scalability
The newly-designed architecture of Alienbrain Studio 7 supports multi-threading, allowing teams to leverage multi-processor machines while providing the scalability needed as team sizes grow.
Central Configuration Server
The newly introduced Central Configuration Server (CCS) is a designated Alienbrain server used to store server and project-spanning information, making cross-server and cross-project administrative tasks, such as user management, easier. The CCS now also enables project-wide Mime type management.
Central User Management
The Central User Management allows administrators to create, modify, manage and delete users, user groups and user rights across projects. In addition to managing users manually, the Central User Management provides an option to synchronize its internal user base with an existing user management in a Windows® NT domain.
Users can now benefit from a true single-sign-on solution without any project-specific passwords. They can also be logged on transparently when using a Windows domain log-on or LDAP authentication, completely removing the need for an explicit log-on.
Enhanced Reference Manager
Version 7 of Alienbrain Studio extends one of the benefits previously available only in the third-party integrations to the client: reference management.
The Reference Manager helps you get an immediate overview of your 3D scene. You can see which files a scene refers to, and in turn see which scenes refer to a specific file. That way, you can find out how a simple change might affect many other files before making the change. All this functionality is now available directly in the client.