"Marc Bolan & T Rex -《T Rex Unchained-Unreleased Recordings Vol.8》[MP3!]"介紹
專輯中文名: T Rex Unchained-Unreleased Recordings Vol.8歌手: Marc Bolan T Rex資源格式: MP3發行時間: 1998年地區: 英國語言: 英語簡介:
T.Rex的Marc Bolan是華麗搖滾Glam Rock的始祖之一。不僅有相當創新的彈奏方式及音樂編排,更加活躍的則是他音樂下富含哲理的思想。不可諱言的是,即使有相當深度的思想陪襯,Bolan的音樂還是艱澀難懂,
主因是他在歌詞中大量使用古字及古英文的文法還有許多出自詩歌作品的雙關語,即使是英語的native speaker,恐怕也隻能聽懂大概意思,而無法通盤了解其歌詞之意。
此外,最引人注目的,莫過於Bolan總是畫上令人模糊性別的濃妝演出,這正是Glam Rock的意含之一,解構社會傳統價值觀,挑戰傳統性別意識。不隻是同性戀,更是解放青少年的反叛精神,釋放青少年在傳統束縛底下的情慾。Rolling Stones建立出的男性崇拜搖滾(陽具搖滾),正被另一波卻也是男性來執行的反動全面顛覆。經曆六零年代搖滾樂從傳統社會中鬆綁的性慾後,七零年代的Glam Rock更追求所謂性別認同。這是一個美麗的時代,曖昧模糊不定,但卻也十分短促,因爲商業的巨獸早已奈何不住他的食慾,一口將新穎文化吞噬,原本Glam Rock的藝術性被咀嚼得一點也不剩,排洩出來的就隻有庸俗化、不具任何意識形態的空洞産業,尤其更具藝術性的次文化,越容易打造成商品包裝下的産物,當新一代的青少年空有炫麗的外表而不具當初的文化背景時,Glam Rock就宣告不治了。這似乎是任何次文化所要面臨的困境和挑戰,可惜好像沒有一種次文化能在通過庸俗文化工業的洗禮後還能保有初衷。
1969 s favorite singer/artist on this planet
Even though the wind may blow it all away,Don t ever worry cos I m your friend
--- --- In memory of Marc Bolan
The saga of Marc Bolan (a.k.a. T.Rex) is one of a spunky little dreamer who looked and played the part of an elvish minstrel; whose bizarre voice and songs were dismissed by critics as a fleeting novelty or, worse, a bad joke; and whose most laughable trait of all was a near-mystical belief in his own importance and destiny - in short, a surefire loser who played by rules all his own and went on to become the biggest pop star in Britain. - From The British Invasion - From The First Wave To The New Wave by Nicholas Schaffner
Marc Bolan (born Mark Feld in Hackney, London, September 30, 1947; died Barnes, London, September 16, 1977), was an English singer, songwriter and guitarist whose hit singles, fashion sensibilities and stage presence with T. Rex in the early 1970s helped cultivate the glam rock era and made him one of the most recognisable stars in British music of the time. His untimely death, two weeks before his 30th birthday, gave him a cult status which remains to this day.