"《AE CS3 特效教程》(Lynda.com After Effects CS3 Effects)[ISO]"介紹
語言:英語 網址:http://movielibrary.lynda.com/html/modPage.asp?ID=569 類別:教程 Lynda.com 出品的 Adobe After Effects CS3 特效處理教程。在本教程中,奧多比公司認證講師 Chad Perkins 將探討程序各類效果的基礎概念以及實際應用,詳細講解如何運用各種效果,包含三維通道、模糊與銳化、圖層混合與光影、色彩校正、變形、粒子系統、去背等特效。想要將 After Effects CS3 的功能發揮至極限,本教程是必不可少的。 教程包含練習文件。 After Effects CS3 Effects with: Chad Perkins In After Effects CS3 Effects, Adobe Certified Instructor Chad Perkins explores the basic purposes and practical uses of each of the application's effects. He teaches in detail how to apply every native effect, covering 3D Channel effects, Blur & Sharpen effects, using channels for blending and reflections, color correction, distortion, particle systems, and keying. This training is essential for those who want to push After Effects CS3 to its limits. Exercise files accompany the course.