"《太空堡壘卡拉狄加 第一季》(Battlestar Galactica Season 1)[YYETS作品]迷你劇+13集全[RMVB]"介紹
中文名: 太空堡壘卡拉狄加 第一季英文名稱: Battlestar Galactica Season 1資源格式: RMVB版本: [YYETS作品]迷你劇+13集全首播時間: 2003年10月01日導演: Michael Rymer演員: Jamie Bamber - Captain Lee Apollo Adama
Matthew Bennett - Aaron Doral
Jim Callis - Dr. Gaius Baltar
Paul Campbell - Billy Keikeya
Aaron Douglas - Chief Petty Officer Tyrol
Michael Eklund - Deckhand Prosna
Tricia Helfer - Number 6地區: 美國語言: 英語簡介:
【原 名】:Battlestar Galactica Season.1
【譯 名】:太空堡壘卡拉狄加 第一季
【類 型】:劇情/科幻
【長 度】:平均42分鍾
【首 播】:2003年10月01日
【集 數】:全季共13集
【國 家】:美國
【語 言】:英語
【字 幕】:內嵌中文
【服務器】:DonkeyServer No1或3
Jamie Bamber - Captain Lee Apollo Adama
Matthew Bennett - Aaron Doral
Jim Callis - Dr. Gaius Baltar
Paul Campbell - Billy Keikeya
Aaron Douglas - Chief Petty Officer Tyrol
Michael Eklund - Deckhand Prosna
Tricia Helfer - Number 6
Forty years after the end of the Cylon War, the artificially-created Cylons declare war on humanity by attacking and destroying the twelve colonies. The military crumbles after their newly updated ships shut down in the face of a new unknown Cylon weapon. A lone Battlestar known as Galactica, due to be decomissioned and converted into a museum, turns out to be the only thing standing between the Cylons and the total destruction of the human race.
With all others in the line of succession dead, Laura Roslin, the Education Minister, is appointed president of the Thirteen Colonies. Her new plan is to round up all of the surviving ships and together with the Galactica flee their home systems, never to return.
Battlestar Galactica 是隨七十年代星球大戰的電影熱潮而製成的科幻電視劇,雖然其曾經製作過電影版本,但最後因爲粗製濫造而導緻整個系列失敗收場。經過三十年後的今天,Battlestar Galactica 已算是一套經典的科幻影片,故於 2003 年由美國的科幻電視台 SCI FI Channel 拍闆重新製作長達三小時的迷你電視劇,相較起舊有版本,這次已引入很多先進的電腦技術,務求令觀眾耳目一新。
基本上,新舊版本的劇本變化不大,有所分別的則是劇中的數個人物轉了性別;此外,所有的機械設定,例如人類所用的戰機、戰艦,又或是機械人 Cylons 的設計已經經過現代化,不會有追不上潮流的感覺。而這次的新版本因爲得到眾多觀眾好評,故 SCI FI Channel 在近期宣佈重拍這套電視劇,希望能夠繼續延續這個科幻經典傳奇。
故事背景於未來世界,人類已由地球移民到其他星系居住;人們爲了貪求私慾,便開始研究及製造一種擁有獨立思想及感覺的機械人 - Cylons 來爲人類服務。但人們怎樣也想不到,這些本應是幫助人類的機械人竟會調 轉頭對抗自已,因此,人類與自已製造的機械人之戰爭便開始展開...
在經過數十年漫長、死傷無數的戰爭結朿後,人們本以爲可得到和平的生活,但 Cylons 明白到即使在休戰後始終沒辨法與人類建立實際的外交關係,故 Cylons 開始密?#092;另一個對付人類的計劃,這次它們將會製造一些與人類一模一樣的機械人作間碟滲入人類世界,從而以裏應外合的方法把人類消滅
Ronald D. Moore, the visionary producer of Carnivale, and writer for shows such as Star Trek : The Next Generation, and Star Trek : Deep Space Nine boldly re-imagines this classic tale of good versus evil. Gone is the technobabble and mindless space battles of the show’s earlier namesake. This is a program that introduces many new elements to the Galactica Tale. The Cylons look like US now, they could be anywhere, and they seem to have developed a monotheistic religion that is in contrast to the human polytheistic religion. The Cylons begin by wiping out the twelve colonies and sending the survivors… all 47,000 (approx) of them on a desperate search for the fabled 13th colony…. Earth.
Season One Overview
The Cylons declare war on humanity wiping out billions in an unprovoked first strike. The Colonial fleet is all but eliminated leaving just a handful of ships including the soon to be decommissioned Battlestar Galactica. Galactica is crewed by the misfits of the military and a crew that never expected to be involved in real duty. With the president gone, and the government all but eliminated Laura Roslin, the Education Minister takes on the mantle of President of the 12 Colonies.
Gaius Baltar, the leader in Artificial Intelligence, has inadvertently betrayed humanity by allowing a Cylon agent into the defence network rendering it, and all of their military forces impotent in the face of the Cylon attacks. During his time with this agent, it has implanted a chip into his brain allowing it to speak to him, and continue to torment him. Over the season Baltar falls in love with the Cylon eventually betraying humanity again and again.
A lone soldier is trapped on Caprica, having given up his seat on a transport for a child. He struggles against the odds trying to stay alive surrounded on all sides by hostile Cylons when he encounters another Galactica crewmember who seems to have returned to him. The crew member however is actually another human form Cylon. Boomer and Helo spend the season trying to escape Caprica, and Boomer finds herself falling in love with her human target. The season ends with her pregnant and fighting to save his life.
Meanwhile, the Boomer on board Galactica has set off several bombs and subconsciously created dozens of other problems on board the ship. The season ends with a stunning conclusion as Boomer shoots Commander Adama point blank.
在宇宙中未知的地方有一個由12個人類殖民地組成的星際國家,人類爲了方便制造了Cylons(機器人)爲人類服務,但Cylons起來反抗人類,雙方在血戰之後停火,Cylons離開了殖民地去建立自己的家園。40年的和平讓人類放松了警惕,Cylons通過人類內部的間諜癱瘓了人類的防禦系統,摧毀了Battlestar艦隊,用核武器將殖民地的城市化爲灰燼。Battlestar Galactica是唯一一艘幸存的航母,它在艦長Adama的指揮下帶領幾十艘各式各樣的民船和近5萬名幸存者逃離了殖民地的行星系統,開始了尋找人類的第13個殖民地-地球-的旅程。(注意這個劇是接著去年太空堡壘卡拉狄加的迷你劇演的,如果要看應該先看迷你劇,再看此劇)