《小不列顛 2006聖誕特別篇》(Little Britain Xmas Special 2006)2集全[PDTV] 簡介: 【類型】: 喜劇 【片長】: 每集約30分鍾 【集數】: 上下2集 【字幕】: 無 【服務器】: S-files ED Server ( 端口:80) 【分享時間】: 24小時 【內容介紹】: BBC又一部惡搞的喜劇劇集,這次惡搞的對象連英國首相都包括進來了(跟手下的男秘書關系暧昧不清),而且,英國叫"大不列顛"(The Great Britain),所以B
"《小不列顛 2006聖誕特別篇》(Little Britain Xmas Special 2006)2集全[PDTV]"介紹
【類型】: 喜劇
【片長】: 每集約30分鍾
【集數】: 上下2集
【字幕】: 無
【服務器】: S-files ED Server ( 端口:80)
【分享時間】: 24小時
BBC又一部惡搞的喜劇劇集,這次惡搞的對象連英國首相都包括進來了(跟手下的男秘書關系暧昧不清),而且,英國叫"大不列顛"(The Great Britain),所以BBC偏偏故意把這部諷刺英國社會的喜劇叫做"小不列顛".
全劇主演隻有兩位,所有的任務中的不同角色都是由兩位主演通過更換服裝,道具和化妝來完成的.全劇不是講述一個完整的故事,而是由一個一個不同的生活片斷構成的,各片段之間聯系不大,但是充滿黑色幽默,兩個活寶演員在英國相當於咱們的"周星星"大哥,隻是對英國文化不了解的話,想理解其幽默之處可能會遇到點麻煩. 兩個主演都不是帥哥型的,然而表演絕對是一流水準,客串演員中不乏大牌明星本劇自2003年開播以來反響強烈獲得諸多獎項
"Britain, Britain, Britain! Population: One millions, Number of towns, Nine. Average height, Thirty. Shoe size... But just who are Britain? Over the next eleventeen weeks we aim to find out by following the lives of ordinary British folk. What do they, who is they and why?" Emerging from the depths of BBC Radio 4, the BAFTA award winning Little Britain is fast becoming a comedic hit all over the world. For the majority of Britain's population, the real Britain that is, it's unusual to make it through a day without someone quoting one of the vast amount of catch phrases spawned from the minds of creator/writer/performers Matt Lucas and David Walliams . It's been commended by BBC chiefs as "a shining example of what happens when the BBC gets comedy right." It has already achieved cult status amongst the viewing public of the UK and USA and big name celebrities such as Nicholas Cage, Johnny Depp, George Clooney and Kylie Minogue openly admit their fondness of the show.