"Mike Oldfield -《Mike Oldfield 1973-2005專輯合集》[APE]"介紹
專輯中文名: Mike Oldfield 1973-2005專輯合集歌手: Mike Oldfield資源格式: APE地區: 英國簡介:
Genre — New Age
Styles— Progressive Electronic Prog-Rock/ Art Rock
Mike Oldfield(麥克·歐菲爾德)自從推出《Tubular Bells》之後,就成爲當代的電子音樂大師。其實說他是電子音樂的大師,也是有點奇怪的,因爲雖然Mike Oldfield利用電子音樂來創作,但是他的音樂蘊含了許多的元素,從典型的英國民謠、愛爾蘭歌曲、到搖滾歌曲,精緻而多樣,而且他的音樂中也有古典的元素,也使用了傳統的樂器,比如:空心木吉他之類。更難能可貴的是,Mike Oldfield每一張作品在風格上都豐富多變。但作爲一個著名的電子音樂大師,無論創作或者演奏,其豐富和多變的內容似乎是符合電子音樂屬於現代的超流行的特征和氣質。
早在73年作者Mike Oldfield就發表了狂飚1600萬張銷量的驚世天碟「Tubular Bells」(管鍾,後來又出了II,III系列)跨越了交響樂與搖滾樂的類型音樂界線。
其實才子 Mike Oldfield 演唱版的歌曲都是做出來請別人唱, 不過都不是掛那個演唱者的名字, 因爲都發表在Mike Oldfield的專輯中, 隻有專輯內頁的介紹才會說vocal是誰.
以上內容轉自論壇內audioslave 所發貼子Mike Oldfield -《Tubular Bells III》[MP3 ],以此深表感謝。
Mike Oldfield是我最早認識的New Age歌手,事實上他在1973年發行的Tubular Bells可說是New Age Music萌芽時期的作品,Tubular Bells在當時可說是劃時代的前衛作品, 相當具有震撼力....
Mike Oldfield於1953年生於英國Reading(一向覺得英國歌手的原創性較美國歌手強). 10歲學習結他, 14歲與姐姐Sally組成樂隊, 15歲開始單飛自組樂隊, 1971年Mike發現當時的錄音技術可以於同一母帶中的不同聲軌收錄不同樂器聲, Mike便決定使用此技術錄製他的新唱片—Tubular Bells, 並由他自己分開彈奏曲中各種樂器, 再組合成一曲. 當時的唱片公司對Mike的嘗試隻覺得有趣, 但不覺得有市場價值, 直到碰上正在籌組的Virgin Records, Mike和Virgin一拍即合, Tubular Bells這張隻有2首樂曲, 而每首樂曲長度都超過20分鐘的唱片成爲Virgin首張發行的唱片, 最終這張唱片在全球共售出超過1600萬張, 並立即令Virgin Records成爲唱片業界其中一家最重要的唱片公司. Tubular Bells Part I 首4分多鐘的一段並成爲驚慄電影 The Exorcist(大法師) 的主題音樂. 隨後Mike繼續在New Age範疇上發行了數張唱片, 但均無法突破Tubular Bells的成績, 至1980年間, Mike轉戰Pop/Rock Music市場, 其間創作了Moonlight Shadow等名曲, 但亦無法如Tubular Bells 般成功. 直至今天, Mike Oldfield仍然從事音樂創作, 並正在寫自傅, 希望日後Mike仍然有讓人驚喜的作品帶給樂迷.
坦白說我不是Mike Oldfield的歌迷, 對他的歌曲認識有限, 僅將我個人喜愛的Tubular Bells放在MP3 Player中, Moonlight Shadow雖然不是New Age作品, 並且以前已經介紹過, 但由於太喜愛了, 不得不再放上Mp3 Player再次聽聽.
from allmusic.com
Mike Oldfield rose to fame on the success of Tubular Bells, an eerie, album-length conceptual piece employed to stunning effect in the film The Exorcist. Born May 15, 1953, in Reading, England, Oldfield began his professional career at the age of 14, forming the Sallyangie folk duo with his sister Sally; a year later, the siblings issued their debut LP, Children of the Sun. By the age of 16, he was playing bass with Soft Machine founder Kevin Ayers group the Whole World alongside experimental classical arranger David Bedford and avant-garde jazz saxophonist Lol Coxhill; within months, Oldfield was tapped to become the band s lead guitarist prior to recording the 1971 LP Shooting at the Moon.
Tubular Bells, originally dubbed Opus 1, grew out of studio time gifted by Richard Branson, who at the time was running a mail-order record retail service. After its completion, Oldfield shopped the record to a series of labels, only to meet with rejection; frustrated, Branson decided to found his own label, and in 1973 Tubular Bells became the inaugural release of Virgin Records. An atmospheric, intricate composition that fused rock and folk motifs with the structures of minimalist composition, the 49-minute instumental piece (performed on close to 30 different instruments, virtually all of them played by Oldfield himself) spent months in the number one spot on the U.K. charts, and eventually sold over 16 million copies globally. In addition to almost single-handedly establishing Virgin as one of the most important labels in the record industry, Tubular Bells also created a market for what would later be dubbed new age music, and won a Grammy for Best Instrumental Composition in 1974.
The follow-up, 1974 s Hergest Ridge (named after Oldfield s retreat in a remote area of Herefordshire) also proved phenomenally successful, and dislodged Tubular Bells at the top of the British chart. With 1975 s Ommadawn, he explored ambient textures and world music; however, the emergence of punk left Oldfield baffled, and he retreated from sight for three years following the LP s release. He resurfaced with 1978 s Incantations. Platinum, issued a year later, kept its eye on the clubs, and featured a dance version of the Philip Glass composition North Star. With 1980 s QE 2, Oldfield moved completely away from his epic-length pieces and traveled into pop territory, a shift typified by the album s cover of ABBA s Arrival. He continued in a pop vein for much of the 1980s, as albums like 1983 s Crises, 1984 s Discovery, and 1987 s Islands encroached further and further upon mainstream accessibility. In 1992, Oldfield teamed with producer Trevor Horn for Tubular Bells II, which returned him to the top of the U.K. charts. The Songs of Distant Earth appeared two years later, followed by a third Tubular Bells update in 1998.
專輯名稱:Tubular Bells
1. Part One
2. Part Two
這張專輯的APE資源前兩天剛有朋友發過,請參見pennyliu123所發Mike Oldfield -《Tubular Bells》25周年紀念版[APE]。
專輯名稱:Hergest Ridge
1. Part One 21:40
2. Part Two 18:54
1. Ommadawn part one - (19:23)
2. Ommadawn part two - (13:54)
3. On Horseback - (3:23)
專輯名稱:The Orchestral Tubular Bells
1. The Orchestral Tubular Bells, Pt. 1 26:32
2. The Orchestral Tubular Bells, Pt. 2 24:29
01.Incantations Part One
02.Incantations Part Two
03.Incantations Part Three
04.Incantations Part Four
1. Tauras 1
2. Sheba
3. Conflict
4. Arrival
5. Wonderful Land
6. Mirage
7. QE 2
8. Celt
9. Molly
專輯名稱:Five Miles Out
1. Taurus II - 24:43
2. Family Man - 3:45
3. Orabidoo - 13:03
4. Mount Teidi - 4:10
5. Five Miles Out - 4:16
1.Crises - 20:40
2.Moonlight Shadow - 3:38
3.In High Places - 3:32
4.Foreign Affair - 3:53
5.Taurus 3 - 2:25
6.Shadow on the Wall - 3:09
這張專輯論壇裏也有APE資源,請參見建崗所發Mike Oldfield 麥克·歐菲爾德 -《Crises》[APE]。
1. The Wind Chimes Parts One and Two (21:49)
2. Islands (4:21)
3. Flying Start (3:38)
4. North Point (3:33)
5. Magic Touch (4:15)
6. The Time Has Come (3:55)
7. When The Nights On Fire (6:41)
1. Amarok (Oldfield) - 60:04
專輯名稱:Tubular Bells II
1.Sentinel - 8:06
2.Dark Star - 2:16
3.Clear Light - 5:48
4.Blue Saloon - 2:58
5.Sunjammer - 2:32
6.Red Dawn - 1:49
7.The Bell - 6:56
8.Weightless - 5:43
9.The Great Plain - 4:46
10.Sunset Door - 2:23
11.Tattoo - 4:15
12.Altered State - 5:12
13.Maya Gold - 4:00
14.Moonshine - 2:20
專輯名稱:The Songs Of Distant Earth
1. In the Beginning (Oldfield) - 1:24
2. Let There Be Light (Oldfield) - 4:57
3. Supernova (Oldfield) - 3:23
4. Magellan (Oldfield) - 4:40
5. First Landing (Oldfield) - 1:16
6. Oceania (Oldfield) - 3:19
7. Only Time Will Tell (Oldfield) - 4:26
8. Prayer for the Earth (Oldfield) - 2:09
9. Lament for Atlantis (Oldfield) - 2:43
10. The Chamber (Oldfield) - 1:48
11. Hibernaculum (Oldfield) - 3:32
12. Tubular World (Oldfield) - 3:22
13. The Shining Ones (Oldfield) - 2:59
14. Crystal Clear (Oldfield) - 5:42
15. The Sunken Forest (Oldfield) - 2:37
16. Ascension (Oldfield) - 5:49
17. A New Beginning (Oldfield) - 1:37
1. The Song of the Sun (Romero) - 4:32
2. Celtic Rain (Oldfield) - 4:40
3. The Hero (Traditional) - 3:01
4. Women of Ireland (Traditional) - 6:27
5. The Voyager (Oldfield) - 4:23
6. She Moves Through the Fair (Traditional) - 4:05
7. Dark Island (Traditional Scottish) - 5:43
8. Wild Goose Flaps It s Wings (Oldfield) - 5:03
9. Flowers of the Forest (Traditional) - 6:01
10. Mont St. Michel (Oldfield) - 12:18
專輯名稱:The Millennium Bell
1. Peace on Earth (Oldfield) - 4:10
2. Pacha Mama (Oldfield) - 4:05
3. Santa Maria (Oldfield) - 2:44
4. Sunlight Shining Through Cloud (Newton/Oldfield) - 4:33
5. The Doge s Palace (Oldfield) - 3:07
6. Lake Constance (Oldfield) - 5:16
7. Mastermind (Oldfield) - 3:03
8. Broad Sunlit Uplands (Oldfield) - 4:03
9. Liberation (Oldfield) - 2:38
10. Amber Light (Oldfield) - 3:42
11. The Millennium Bell (Oldfield) - 7:37
專輯名稱:Tr3S Lunas
1. Misty 3:58
2. No Mans Land 6:06
3. Return To The Origin 4:39
4. Landfall 2:17
5. Viper 4:32
6. Turtle Island 3:41
7. To Be Free 4:22
8. Fire Fly 3:46
9. Tr3s Lunas 4:35
10. Daydream 2:15
11. Thou Art In Heaven 5:23
12. Sirius 5:47
13. No Mans Land Reprise 2:54
Bonus Track
13. To Be Free Radio Edit 3:56
專輯名稱:Tubular Bells 2003
Part One:
1. Introduction - 5:52
2. Fast Guitars - 1:03
3. Basses - 0:46
4. Latin - 2:18
5. A Minor Tune - 1:21
6. Blues - 2:40
7. Thrash - 0:44
8. Jazz - 0:48
9. Ghost Bells - 0:30
10. Russian - 0:44
11. Finale - 8:32
Part Two:
12. Harmonics - 5:12
13. Peace - 3:30
14. Bagpipe Guitars - 3:07
15. Caveman - 4:33
16. Ambient Guitars - 5:10
17. The Sailor s Hornpipe - 1:44
專輯名稱:Light + Shade
CD1 - Light:
1. Angelique
2. Blackbird
3. Gate
4. First Steps
5. Closer
6. Our Father
7. Rocky
8. Sunset
U-MYX Format (Data Track):
9. Quicksilver
10. Our Father
11. Slipstream
12. Angelique
CD2 - Shade:
1. Quicksilver
2. Resolution
3. Slipstream
4. Surfing
5. Tears Of An Angel
6. Romance
7. Ringscape
8. Nightshade
這張專輯的APE資源請參見論壇裏夢裏他鄉所發的資源邁克歐菲爾德(Mike Oldfield) -《光與影》(Light + Shade)[APE]。