"《天橋驕子 第一季》(Project Runway Season 1)英語中字,全11集[RMVB]"介紹
【類型】: 真人秀 【影片長度】: 平均40分鍾 【集數】: 全季共11集 【字幕】: 中文 【服務器】: DonkeyServer No1-2 【分享時間】: 每天10小時以上 【內容介紹】: (明珠台中文字幕版) 風水輪流轉,早前《超級模特兒新秀大賽》中,一班模特兒參賽者被設計師把玩於股掌之中。今次,輪到設計師被超級模特兒Heidi Klum主持的《天橋驕子Project Runway》耍得團團轉。 十二位想躍身世界服裝設計舞台的設計師,夥拍十二位模特兒新星,在每集不同時裝設計題目中展示實力。真人Show以淘汰制進行,每集設計師都會選擇一位模特兒,來表現他的設計,然後由Heidi Klum、名設計師Michael Kors和時裝雜志Elle的Nina Garcia組成的評判團評分,淘汰當中一組設計師和模特兒。最後勝出者除可奪得十萬美元獎金外,更可加入Banana Republic Design Team,開創自己的品牌。 Hosted by supermodel Heidi Klum, PROJECT RUNWAY is an exciting new reality series that gives twelve talented and hungry fashion designers the opportunity of a lifetime - a chance to have their line shown in front of the global fashion community in New York and displayed in the pages of Elle magazine. To earn this honour they have to compete against each other in a series of challenges that will determine who has what it takes to be the next It designer. Through each challenge, a designer is eliminated, ultimately leaving one to claim their rightful place in fashion s spotlight.