"《陰陽魔界》(The Twilight Zone)2002年44集全[DVDRip]"介紹
中文名: 陰陽魔界英文名稱: The Twilight Zone資源格式: DVDRip版本: 2002年44集全首播時間: 2002年09月01日地區: 美國語言: 英語簡介:
【原 名】:The Twilight Zone Season 1
【譯 名】:陰陽魔界 第1季
【類 型】:Drama(情節系列劇)
【首 播】:2002年9月1日 UPN頻道播放
【國 家】:美國
【語 言】:英語
【字 幕】:中文/英語字幕:點擊搜索
【內容簡介】:《陰陽魔界》(THE TWILIGHT ZONE)
在光明與黑暗之間,在科學與迷信之間,在恐懼的幽谷和智識的巔峰之間...... 超越一般怪談誌異,俏皮精巧的想像情節直陳生命無常流轉的駭人處,故事在輕重之間充滿對現代人情世事的洞見。最令人拍案叫絕的驚悚感,來自作者們洞悉人性脆弱。不可迴轉的歲月本身,成長期間累積壓抑的罪惡感和殘酷記憶,正是一切恐怖的來源。
美國知名電視影集《陰陽魔界Twilight Zone》改編於美國著名的同名小說,交織以幽微迷離的現代場景,刻劃人性的孤獨疏離與精神困境,輕鬆、諷刺、懸疑、緊張,盡在43篇題材新穎、風格互異的名篇佳作中。
You re travelling to another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound... but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land, whose boundaries are only that of the imagination... you re entering... the Twilight Zone...
What began in 1959 with the great Rod Serling continues into the 21st century with a new host, Forest Whitaker, on a new network and told with completely new stories.
Although there are minor similarities to older episodes of TZ, and a remake or two tossed in, these are still new ideas, told with a fresh and modern approach and delivered in that same chilling yet romantic style that still manages to captivate, compel and enchant us all...
The show aired on UPN for one season (44 episodes) and it aired double pack episodes every week.
The original Twilight Zone series aired from 1959 with host Rod Serling, and continued in 1985 with Charles Aidman and Robin Ward in The Twilight Zone (1985). This was the third screening od the show, but was canceled after only one season.