"《標志設計的150個策略》(Logos: Making a Strong Mark: 150 Strategies for Logos That Last )(Anistasia Miller & Jared Brown)掃描版[PDF]"介紹
中文名: 標志設計的150個策略
原名: Logos: Making a Strong Mark: 150 Strategies for Logos That Last
作者: Anistasia Miller
Jared Brown
資源格式: PDF
版本: 掃描版
出版社: Rockport Publishers
書號: 9781592530786
發行時間: 2004年
地區: 美國
語言: 英文
是什麼造就了成功的標志呢?為了闡述這一“設計內涵”,本書搜集了150個鮮活的實例。這些實例用Paul Rand和Raymond Loewy的經典設計,也有諸如Pentagram和Landor公司的激情寫意。此外,本書還詳述了每一個項目,以及它背後鮮為人知的設計歷程,歷數了設計師和藝術總監在探索歷程中的激烈思想斗爭、最初構思,以及圖形、字體和顏色的試驗過程。本書超大的容量、緊湊的內容、鮮活的設計信息,無一不為設計者們提供了設計所需的激情和創意,這正是當今充滿競爭的設計市場所需的。
Product Description
Logos are among designers? most highly sought-after projects, but they are often one of the most difficult projects for a designer to nail. This book takes a look at those challenges?the logos that have truly pushed a designer?s creativity and forced him or her to reach inside. The authors examine 180 logos, making it easy for designers to take away insightful tips they can put to work immediately. The author tracks the lifecycle of each logo from its challenge through the process to the final result. Scattered throughout the book are sidebars featuring 15 logos that were made over. The author talks about why the makeover was needed and, with the before and after logos side by side, discusses if the re-do was successful.
Color images throughout that show the logos from conceptual stages to final art make this book an at-a-glance reference for anyone?designer or entrepreneur?who wants to take an active role in the creation of his or her brand mark.
About the Author
Anistatia R Miller is creative director for Bratskeir & Company, a New York-based marketing and corporate communications agency. She and her husband/co-author Jared M. Brown are also contributing editors for Gotham, Hamptons, and LA Confidential magazines. Former contributing editors to Adobe Magazine, Miller and Brown authored the Rockport Books What Logos Do and How They Do It (1998), Design Sense: Graphic Design on Limited Budget (1998), Graphic Design Speak: A Visual Dictionary for Designers and Clients (1999), and Global Graphics: Symbols (2001).
內容截圖: 目錄:
arts and leisure
business and technology
health care
hotels and restaurants
luxury,fashion and beauty
food and beverage
philanthropic and educational organizations
transportation and shipping
youth and sports market