中文名: 力量
原名: The Power
作者: Rhonda Byrne朗達拜恩
圖書分類: 哲學/宗教
資源格式: PDF
版本: 掃描版
出版社: ATRIA Books
書號: 978-1-4391-8178-2
發行時間: 2010年08月
地區: 加拿大
語言: 英文
內容簡介:You are meant to have an amazing life! This is the handbook to the greatest power in the Universe--The Power to have anything you want.
Every discovery, invention, and human creation comes from The Power. Perfect health, incredible relationships, a career you love, a life filled with happiness, and the money you need to be, do, and have everything you want, all come from The Power. The life of your dreams has always been closer to you than you realised, because The Power--to have everything good in your life--is inside you. To create anything, to change anything, all it takes is just one thing...THE POWER.
The Power contains the essence of everything I have learned since The Secret was released in 2006. In The Power you will come to understand that all it takes is just one thing to change your relationships, money, health, happiness, career, and your entire life.
You don't need to have read The Secret for The Power to change your life, because everything you need to know is contained in The Power. If you have read The Secret, then this book will add immeasurably to what you already know.
You are meant to have an amazing life!
Now let the magic of your life begin.
作者簡介:朗達·拜恩 Rhonda Byrne(1951年3月12日——)澳大利亞電視制片人和作家 。她被人熟知是因為她所寫的《秘密》一書,以及其參與制作的同名電影。在不到六個月的時間內,她的書賣了近四百萬本,而電影DVD賣了超過兩百萬張。朗達·拜恩(Rhonda Byrne)還是實案犯罪系列《感應凶手》(Sensing Murder)的制作人,也曾參與制作了澳大利亞知名的實境求婚節目《嫁給我》(Marry Me)。2007年,拜恩入選為美國《時代》雜志全世界最有影響力100人。
Rhonda Byrne (born March 12, 1951) is an Australian television writer and producer, best known for her New Thought works, The Secret—a book and a film by the same name. By the Spring of 2007 the book had sold almost 4 million copies, and the DVD had sold more than 2 million copies . She has also been a producer for Sensing Murder. According to an article published by Australia's Herald Sun, Byrne has also worked on the Australian TV series World's Greatest Commercials and Marry Me. In 2007, Byrne was listed among Time Magazine's list of 100 people who shape the world.
On August 17, 2010, The Power , which is a sequel to "The Secret," was published as both a hardcover edition and audio CD.
當時在多倫多國際機場剛下飛機,看到這本The Power,這本書包裝很精美,拿來送人超棒!當時賣26.95刀,我覺得很貴,捨不得花錢,我當時想電驢上會不會有呢?home stay住下的時候,發現國外也是可以上心愛的電驢的!可惜就是沒有這本書,於是我決定用吸引力法則“吸過來”!第二天開學,RBC在學校裡擺攤,意外的得到一張“刮刮卡”結果掛出來一張價值10刀的The Chapter的gift card。當時感覺很神奇!The chapter是加拿大的很有名的書店。我第三天我就去這書店觀光,發現這本the Power居然打七折,上面寫著:bestseller 30% off, irewards members save 10% more!,而機場的是原價!感覺就是冥冥之中有股力量可以把這一切吸引過來!於是又是打折又是禮品卡,才以廉價購得此書。
看完這本書後我決定將這本書分享出來!讓更多的人擁有這種喜悅!雖然是英文的,但是我感覺並不難,有英語四級的基礎和之前The secret的感悟足夠看懂了。其實中國的英語教育存在誤區!很多人英語學了很久依然不進步。其實英語學習一定要多看原版的東西。用中醫的話叫“扶正驅邪”。這樣用不了多久就自然而然就有喬布斯說的那種“intuition”,語感來了,就自然走上正軌了!
我平時很喜歡閱讀,尤其是哲學,心理學,教育,以及傳統文化。也喜歡看科普方面的紀錄片,國外大學的開放式課程等等。其實吸引力法則我們老祖宗在幾千年前的《周易》裡就有了——至誠感通。像《了凡四訓》《太上感應篇》《安士全書》這些經典中對“吸引力法則”的闡述也是遠比《the power》要詳細,西方人其實最新的研究發現等等,其實都是我們老祖宗的智慧!所以繼承和弘揚傳統文化迫在眉睫!一味地盲目學習西方,只會辜負了古聖先賢對我們的期望!融匯中西,學貫古今,合理地找到一個陰陽平衡點,做人老實,做事本份,腳踏實地,力求“中道”!
May the joy be with you!