中文名: 耶魯大學開放課程 : 彌爾頓
英文名: Open Yale Courses : Milton
資源格式: MOV
課程類型: 文學
學校: Yale university
主講人: John Rogers
版本: 開放式課程 更新完畢
發行日期: 2007年
地區: 美國
對白語言: 英語
文字語言: 英文
Open Yale Courses : Milton
耶魯大學開放課程: 彌爾頓
主講: John Rogers
該耶魯大學課程錄制始於2007年秋天 供耶魯開放式課程使用, 原為每堂50分鐘,每周2次的校內教學課程
關於 Miton : 約翰·彌爾頓(John Milton,1608~1674)英國詩人、政論家,民主斗士。彌爾頓是清教徒文學的代表,他的一生都在為資產階級民主運動而奮斗,代表作《失樂園》是和《荷馬史詩》、《神曲》並稱為西方三大詩歌。
About the Course:A study of Milton's poetry,with someattention to his literary sources, his contemporaries, hiscontroversialprose, and his decisive influence on the course ofEnglish poetry.
About Professor John Rogers:JohnRogers is a Professor of English at YaleUniversity and former Masterof Yale's Berkeley College. Having receivedhis B.A. and Ph.D. fromYale, Rogers is the author of The Matter of Revolution: Science, Poetry, and Politics in the Age of Milton,whichwas awarded the Modern Language Association First Book Prize aswell asthe Milton Society of America's James Holly Hanford Prize forBest Book.He is currently working on a book on Milton's relationshiptoantitrinitarian heresy, entitled Milton and the Heresy of Individualism.
Class Sessions:
1. Introduction: Milton, Power, and the Power of Milton
2. The Infant Cry of God
3. Credible Employment
4. Poetry and Virginity
5. Poetry and Marriage
6. Lycidas
7. Lycidas (cont.)
8. Areopagitica
9. Paradise Lost, Book I
10. God and Mammon: The Wealth of Literary Memory
11. The Miltonic Simile
12. The Blind Prophet
Midterm Exam
13. Paradise Lost, Book III
14. Paradise Lost, Book IV
15. Paradise Lost, Books V-VI
16. Paradise Lost, Books VII-VIII
17. Paradise Lost, Book IX
18. Paradise Lost, Books IX-X
19. Paradise Lost, Books XI-XII
20. Paradise Lost, Books XI-XII (cont.)
21. Paradise Regained, Books I-II
22. Paradise Regained, Books III-IV
23. Samson Agonistes
24. Samson Agonistes (cont.)
Final Exam
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