"《耶魯大學開放課程:有關食物的心理學,生物學和政治學》(The Psychology, Biology and Politics of Food) 共23課更新完畢[MOV]"介紹
中文名: 耶魯大學開放課程:有關食物的心理學,生物學和政治學
英文名: The Psychology, Biology and Politics of Food
課程類型: 心理學
學校: 耶魯大學
主講人: Professor Kelly D. Brownell
版本: 共23課更新完畢[MOV]
發行日期: 2008年
地區: 美國
對白語言: 英語
文字語言: 英文
課程介紹:本課程涵蓋了吃的研究,因為它會影響每一個人類的健康。 主題包括口味喜好,對食物的反感,食物宗教,食物舒適性,社會儀式飲食,為糧食問題的社會規范的責任。 可持續農業,有機農業食品,討論政治問題,如轉基因食品,營養政策,以及農業和食品工業的影響。 還審查是營養不良的問題,例如,飲食失調,肥胖流行和全球影響的兒童食品廣告的原因,貧窮和糧食,以及現代化環境如何影響每個人的飲食習慣。
This course encompasses the study of eating as it affects the health and well-being of every human. Topics include taste preferences, food aversions, the regulation of hunger and satiety, food as comfort and friendship, eating as social ritual, and social norms of blame for food problems. The politics of food discusses issues such as sustainable agriculture, organic farming, genetically modified foods, nutrition policy, and the influence of food and agriculture industries. Also examined are problems such as malnutrition, eating disorders, and the global obesity epidemic; the impact of food advertising aimed at children; poverty and food; and how each individual's eating is affected by the modern environment.
關於課程主講人:Professor Kelly D. Brownell
Kelly D. Brownell是耶魯大學健康心理學教授,流行病學和公共健康,食物政策中心的院長,且擔任犀利滿學院的心理學系主席。 他已出版14本書和300多篇科學論文,並獲得很多教授組織的獎項。 2006年時代周刊“世界上最有影響力特殊100人”,以自己的才能能力改變世界。
Kelly D. Brownell is Professor of Psychology, Epidemiology, and Public Health, and Director of the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity at Yale, where he also served as Chair of the Department of Psychology and Master of Silliman College. He has published 14 books and more than 300 scientific papers and received awards from a number of professional organizations. He was elected to the Institute of Medicine and in 2006 Time magazine listed Kelly Brownell among "The World's 100 Most Influential People" in its special Time 100 issue featuring those "...whose power, talent or moral example is transforming the world."
課程視頻截圖:學校介紹:耶魯大學(Yale University),舊譯“耶勞大書院”,是一所坐落於美國康乃狄格州紐黑文市的私立大學,始創於1701年,初名“大學學院”(Collegiate School)。耶魯大學是美國歷史上建立的第三所大學,今為常青籐聯盟的成員之一。
在 2007英國泰晤士專上教育增刊(Times Higher Education Supplement)的世界大學排名,耶魯大學在總平均排名與劍橋、牛津大學並列世界第二。美國普林斯頓評論(Princeton Review)在2006把耶魯大學在全美最難進的大學裡排第二。
1. Introduction: What We Eat, Why We Eat and the Key Role of Food in Modern Life
2. Food Then, Food Now: Modern Food Conditions and Their Mismatch with Evolution
3. Biology, Nutrition and Health I: What We Eat
4. Biology, Nutrition and Health II: What Helps Us and Hurts Us
5. Biology, Nutrition and Health III: The Psychology of Taste and Addiction
6. Culture and the Remarkable Plasticity of Eating (Presentation by Ashley Gearhardt)
7. Hunger in the World of Plenty
8. Nutrition Transition and Global Food Issues
9. From Ancient to Modern Farming: The Green Revolution and the Prospect of Feeding the World
10. Sustainability I: The Impact of Modern Agriculture on the Environment and Energy Use
11. Sustainability II: The Impact of Modern Agriculture on Biodiversity, Genetic Modification and Animal Welfare
12. Public Health vs. Medical Models in Nutrition Change: Saving Lives One or a Million at a Time
13. Eating Disorders and Obesity (Guest Lecture by B. Timothy Walsh)
14. Perspectives of the Food Industry (Guest Lecture by Derek Yach)
15. Economics, Nutrition and Health: Subsidies, Food Deserts and More
16. Everyone but Me: The Pervasive Reach and Powerful Influence of Food Marketing on Food Choices
17. The Politics of Food I: How Politics Affects National Nutrition Policy (Guest Lecture by Rogan Kersh)
18. The Politics of Food II: The Issues, the Fights and Who Controls the Frame
19. The Law and Opportunities to Improve Nutrition and Health (Guest Lecture by Stephen Teret)
20. Schools and Nutrition: Where Health and Politics Collide (Guest Lecture by Marlene B. Schwartz)
21. The Morphing of the Modern Diet (Guest Lecture by Brian Wansink)
22. Sustainability and Health Food Access (Guest Lecture by Melina Shannon-DiPietro and Jennifer McTiernan)
23. Success Stories, Innovation and Change from the Grass Roots
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