"《耶魯大學開放課程:現代社會理論基礎》(Open Yale Courses : Foundations of Modern Social Theory) 更新至第10課[英文字幕][MOV]"介紹
中文名: 耶魯大學開放課程:現代社會理論基礎
英文名: Open Yale Courses : Foundations of Modern Social Theory
資源格式: MOV
課程類型: 社會學
學校: 耶魯大學 Yale University
主講人: Professor Iván Szelényi
版本: 更新至第10課[英文字幕]
發行日期: 2009年
地區: 美國
對白語言: 英語
文字語言: 英文
院校名稱:耶魯大學 (Yale University)
英文名稱:Open Yale Courses : Foundations of Modern Social Theory
課程代號:SOCY 151: Foundations of Modern Social Theory
主講導師:Professor Iván Szelényi
授課學期:Fall 2009.
課程官網:http://oyc.yale.edu/sociology/foundations-...l-theory課程簡介:該門課程是耶魯大學社會學系課程之一, 課程代號“SOCY 151”, Iván Szelényi教授主講.授課學期2009年秋季. 該門課程共25課時, 平均每節課時在50分鐘左右. 主要討論20世紀20年代以來社會思潮的概況. 社會及知識背景, 概念框架和方法....
課程涉及到的作家(或社會學家)有:托馬斯·霍布斯、約翰·洛克、盧梭、孟德斯鸠、亞當·斯密、馬克思 、韋伯、迪爾凱姆等.
官網課程介紹 About the Course
This course provides an overview of major works of social thought from the beginning of the modern era through the 1920s. Attention is paid to social and intellectual contexts, conceptual frameworks and methods, and contributions to contemporary social analysis. Writers include Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Montesquieu, Adam Smith, Marx, Weber, and Durkheim.
課程安排: Course Structure:
This Yale College course, taught on campus twice per week for 50 minutes, was recorded for Open Yale Courses in Fall 2009.
關於教授簡介 About Professor Iván Szelényi
Ivan Szelenyi is Dean of Social Sciences at NYU Abu Dhabi. When "Foundations of Modern Social Theory" was recorded for Open Yale Courses, he was William Graham Sumner Professor of Sociology and Professor of Political Science at Yale. Professor Szelenyi, who specializes in the comparative study of social stratification across cultures over time, received his Ph.D. from Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 1973, and is the author of The Intellectuals on the Road to Class Power, Urban Inequalities Under State Socialism, Socialist Entrepreneurs, Making Capitalism Without Capitalists, Poverty, Ethnicity and Gender in Eastern Europe During the Market Transition (with R. Emigh), and Theories of the New Class: Intellectuals and Power (with L. King, 2004). His most recent book Patterns of Exclusion was published in 2006 and was awarded the Karl Polanyi Prize.
課程安排預覽: SOCY 151: Foundations of Modern Social Theory
Class Sessions
1. Introduction
2. Hobbes: Authority, Human Rights and Social Order
3. Locke: Equality, Freedom, Property and the Right to Dissent
4. Montesquieu: The Division of Powers
5. Rousseau: Popular Sovereignty and General Will
6. Rousseau on State of Nature and Education
7. Mill: Utilitarianism and Liberty
8. Smith: The Invisible Hand
9. Marx's Theory of Alienation
10. Marx's Theory of Historical Materialism
11. Marx's Theory of Historical Materialism (cont.)
12. Marx's Theory of History
13. Marx's Theory of Class and Exploitation
14. Nietzsche on Power, Knowledge and Morality
15. Freud on Sexuality and Civilization
16. Weber on Protestantism and Capitalism
17. Conceptual Foundations of Weber's Theory of Domination
18. Weber on Traditional Authority
19. Weber on Charismatic Authority
20. Weber on Legal-Rational Authority
21. Weber's Theory of Class
22. Durkheim and Types of Social Solidarity
23. Durkheim's Theory of Anomie
24. Durkheim on Suicide
25. Durkheim and Social Facts
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