中文名: TTC課程:中華上下五千年
英文名: From Yao to Mao - 5000 Years of Chinese History
資源格式: DVDRip
課程類型: 歷史學
學校: (美)新墨西哥邦立大學(New Mexico State University)
主講人: (美)肯尼思 J·哈蒙德 (Kenneth J. Hammond)
發行日期: 2004年
地區: 美國
對白語言: 英語
文字語言: 英文
關於TTC課程The Teaching Company 是一家制造全美國頂級教授演講錄音及錄影的公司。這些教授在華盛頓特區外的一家特別的工作室錄制這些課程,然後課程被轉制成磁帶、CD、DVD、MPEG-4、MP3等格式出售。http://www.thegreatcourses.com/greatcourses.aspx
The Teaching Company公司由Thomas M. Rollins先生創建於 1990 年,Thomas M. Rollins先生是美國前參議院委員會勞工及人力資源首席顧問,畢業於哈佛大學法學院。他在學習過程中注意到,使用錄像帶學習很有效率。於是他開始嘗試發起一個政府項目,為公眾制作磁帶,但是由於法律的限制而無法實踐。當他離任時,他抱著這個想法而開始搜尋頂級教授來制作課程,並且銷售給公眾。
2006年10月2日,這家公司被一家私募股權投資公司Brentwood Associates收購。
關於本課Few nations have as long and intricate a history as China. To bring alive the subtleties of that history in only 36 lectures requires a teacher intimately familiar with not only his subject, but the needs of listeners who may well be peering for the first time beyond that curtain that has long veiled the mysteries of China—indeed, of all Asia—from the eyes and understanding of Westerners.
Born and raised in Ohio, Professor Kenneth J. Hammond himself made that intellectual and cultural journey. He has lived and worked in Beijing and established exchange programs with schools in China and Korea.
In guiding you through the five millennia of China’s history, he has organized his lectures around several major themes:
* The evolution of the social and political elite and how they acquired and asserted their power as rulers
* The history of political thought and the ways the Chinese have organized their society and government from the shamanistic roots of that political thought to the crafting and adapting of the Imperial Order, the rise of Communism, and the introduction of capitalism as China seeks economic growth
* How the Chinese have thought and written about themselves and the world
* The connections between economic and social life and the worlds of art, literature, and philosophy
* The interaction among cosmological ideas, the metaphysical insights of Buddhism and religious Daoism, and the perennial mysticism of popular religion
* China’s history as it relates to the world beyond its borders
關於作者Kenneth J. Hammond is Professor of History at New Mexico State University. Hammond was a student and Students for a Democratic Society leader at Kent State University from 1967 to 1970. He later (1985) completed his degree in Political Science, then studied Modern Chinese language at the Beijing Foreign Languages Normal School in Beijing. Hammond received an M.A. in Regional Studies -East Asia(1989), and a Ph.D in History and East Asian Languages (1994) from Harvard University. In 2007, Hammond was appointed director of the Confucius Institute, a think-tank on the NMSU campus that is dedicated to studying and publicizing China and Chinese culture. He is the editor of the journal Ming Studies.
While at Kent State, Hammond authored a study of local politics entitled Who Rules Kent? and was active in the political events that culminated in the May 4, 1970 shootings at the university. He was indicted as one of the "Kent 25" and was lead plaintiff in the federal lawsuit Hammond v. Brown which resulted in the suppression of the Special Grand Jury report on the Kent State shootings. All charges against the Kent 25 were dropped in December 1971. In 1976 he took part in the "Move the Gym" demonstrations at Kent, on the site of the 1970 shootings.