中文名: 玉琵琶
原名: A Lute of Jade
作者: (英)克蘭默-賓
資源格式: PDF
版本: 英文文字版
出版社: Kessinger Publishing, LLC
書號: 978-1120122292
發行時間: 2009年09月24日
地區: 美國
語言: 英文
內容簡介:英國漢學家克蘭默-賓(L.Cranmer-Byng)為其1909年出版的中國詩譯本取名為《玉琵琶》(A Lute of Jade),他的封頁的這個標題下面特地補題了一句:“With lutes of gold and lutes of jade:Li Po”(以金鑲玉飾的琵琶——李白)。李白《江上吟》有“玉箫金管坐兩頭”之句,《江夏贈韋南凌冰》有“玉蕭金管喧四筵”之句,《上崔相百憂章》有“金瑟玉壺”之句,克蘭默的書名或借意於此。
- The Ancient Ballads
- Poetry before the T'angs
- The Poets of the T'ang Dynasty
- A Poet's Emperor
- Chinese Verse Form
- The Influence of Religion on Chinese Poetry
The Odes of Confucius (孔子)
- Sadness
- Trysting Time
- The Soldier
Ch'u Yuan (屈原)
- The Land of Exile
Wang Seng-ju
- Tears
Ch'en Tzu Ang
- The Last Revel
Sung Chih-Wen
- The Court of Dreams
Kao-Shih (高適)
- Impressions of a Traveller
- Desolation
Meng Hao-jan (孟浩然)
- The Lost One
- A Friend Expected
Ch'ang Ch'ien
- A Night on the Mountain
Ts'en-Ts'an (岑參)
- A Dream of Spring
Tu Fu (杜甫)
- The Little Rain
- A Night of Song
- The Recruiting Sergeant
- Chants of Autumn
Li Po (李白)
- To the City of Nan-king
- Memories with the Dusk Return
- An Emperor's Love
- On the Banks of Jo-yeh
- Thoughts in a Tranquil Night
- The Guild of Good-fellowship
- Under the Moon
- Drifting
Wang Ch'ang-ling (王昌齡)
- The Song of the Nenuphars
- Tears in the Spring
Chang Chih-ho
- A World Apart
Chang Jo-hu
T'ung Han-ching
- The Celestial Weaver
Po Chu-i (白居易)
- The Lute Girl
- The Never-ending Wrong
- The River and the Leaf
- Lake Shang
- The Ruined Home
- A Palace Story
- Peaceful Old Age
- Sleeplessness
- The Grass
- Autumn across the Frontier
- The Flower Fair
- The Penalties of Rank
- The Island of Pines
- Springtide
- The Ancient Wind
Li Hua
- An Old Battle-field
Ssu-K'ung T'u
- Return of Spring
- The Colour of Life
- Set Free
- Fascination
- Tranquil Repose
- The Poet's Vision
- Despondent
- Embroideries
- Concentration
- Motion
Ou-Yang Hsiu of Lu-ling
- Autumn
- At the Graveside