中文名: 戰錘40K之魂飲者系列
原名: Soul Drinker Series
作者: Ben Counter
資源格式: PDF
版本: 文字版 英文原版
出版社: Games Workshop
書號: 9781844161621
發行時間: 2002年
地區: 美國
語言: 英文
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1 Soul Drinker
內容簡介This book is about the "Soul Drinkers" Space marine chapter. The story starts off w/ the Soul Drinkers assualting a space station run by rich & corrupt family; the Van Skorvolds. The reason for this assualt?? To recover a ancient artifact that had been stolen from the Soul Drinkers hundreds of years prior. But, the Imperium and Adeptus Mechanicus have other plans for the space station and the Soul Drinkers missing artifact, the Soul Spear. This throws the Soul Drinkers into a conflict with all they have ever known and with the Imperium, to which they have dedicted their lives to defending.
This tale stretches from the battles on the Van Skorvolds space station to a Chaos rife world under the power of Nurgle; the God of Death and Decay. Don't over look this book. If you like the universe created by the folks at Games workshop and produced by their publishing company, The Black Library. You'll love this book!! There is also a second part to this book on the way, called "The Bleeding Chalice".
該故事講述了魂飲者戰團的故事。故事講述了魂飲者戰團襲擊被腐敗的家庭Van Skorvolds控制的星球站。襲擊的理由是為了奪回幾百年前失去的魂飲者戰團神器。但是IG和機械神教對他們的神器,魂矛,有著不同的計劃。神器必須奪回!魂飲者開始了他們自己的行動……
內容截圖2 Bleeding Chalice
Like Ben Counter's previous novel, Soul Drinker, this is a great novel for fans of the 40k universe. Brutal, over-the-top violence fills nearly every page, and the huge scope of events gives the novel an epic feel.
Having been excommunicated from the Imperium, the Soul Drinkers continue to wage war against Chaos, as well as their former masters in the Empire. Their impossible goal is to save their chapter by finding a cure for the chaos which has tainted them. Following close on their heels is a ruthless, macchiavellian inquisition determined to exterminate the renegade marines at any price. Meanwhile, an army of the dead has risen on dozens of planets, and threatens to overtake the entire sector.
Ben Counter does a great job envisioning and communicating his tale. In usual 40K form, the novel seeks to impress the reader with carnage on a massive scale, and succeeds.
這本書講述了Soul Drinker這只奇怪的SM部隊,他們被帝國開除出去,但是同時拒絕膜拜混沌邪神,他們的命運將會怎樣?魂飲者苦苦尋找治愈被混沌污染的辦法。同時審判庭也發誓要斬草除根,死靈族也從墳墓中蘇醒,准備統治整個星系……
該書Ben Counter作者小說《Soul Drinker》的後續
3 Crimson Tears
"War-torn tales of loyalty and honour." - SFX" "Snappy dialogue and crunching action." - Starlog"
Product Description
After replenishing their number with new recruits, the Soul Drinkers Chapter of Space Marines are once thrown into conflict with the forces of Chaos and the Imperium. This is the third volume in the trilogy dealing with the corruption of the Space Marine Chapter.
4 Chapter War
Declared ex-communicate from the Adeptus Astartes many years ago. Led by the heroic Sarpedon, the Soul Drinkers are desperate to restore themselves back into the good graces of the Imperium. When the planet of Vanqualis comes under attack from orks, the Soul Drinkers answer, Sarpedon seeing a chance to prove their loyalty. But factions within the Chapter are moving against the brave leader, eager to tread a different path, one that will lead to Chaos. Matters are complicated further when the Howling Griffons Chapter arrives on Vanqualis, too, and Sarpedon finds he has enemies on three fronts. Survival, the fate of Vanqualis and the Chapter itself are all at stake in this latest novel form Ben Counter, the first in a brand new Soul Drinkers saga!
簡介By 阿屍是女孩子
5 Hellforged
The Space Marines are humanity's champions, their loyalty to the Emperor beyond question. When a Chapter falls from grace, the Imperium will stop at nothing to hunt them down and exterminate them. The disgraced Souldrinkers Chapter attempts to elude their pursuers in a desolate area of space, but Sarpedon and his battle-brothers soon find themselves fighting for their lives against a deadly new enemy – the necrons!