導讀: 中文名: 自由原名: Freiheit別名: Freedom作者: Jonathan Franzen譯者: Bettina Ababarnell圖書分類: 社會資源格式: PDF版本: 德語版(2010紐約時報年度好書)出版社: Rowohlt Verlag書號: 978-3498021290發行時間
中文名: 自由原名: Freiheit別名: Freedom作者: Jonathan Franzen譯者: Bettina Ababarnell圖書分類: 社會資源格式: PDF版本: 德語版(2010紐約時報年度好書)出版社: Rowohlt Verlag書號: 978-3498021290發行時間: 2010年09月地區: 德國語言: 德文簡介:
Im Mittelpunkt der Handlung stehen Walter und Patty Berglund, ein junges, liberales Paar, die als Vorboten der Gentrifizierung in die Innenstadt St. Pauls ziehen, wo ihre Kinder Joey und Jessica aufwachsen. Ein Teil des Buchs ist als autobiografische Skizze Pattys gestaltet und blickt auf Ereignisse ihrer Jugend in den 1960er und 70er Jahren zurück. Im Verlauf der Handlung, die sich bis in die Jahre der Präsidentschaft George W. Bushs erstreckt, entfremden die Kinder sich zunehmend von ihren Eltern. Die Berglunds verlassen schließlich ihr mühsam renoviertes Haus und ihre Ehe zerbricht, nachdem Patty eine Affäre mit Walters Jugendfreund Richard Katz beginnt und Walter daraufhin eine Beziehung mit seiner deutlich jüngeren Assistentin Lalitha eingeht. Nachdem die Kinder erwachsen geworden sind, verbessert sich das Verhältnis zu ihren Eltern jedoch wieder und einige Jahre nach dem Unfalltod Lalithas beschließen Walter und Patty, wieder gemeinsam zu leben.
Freedom is not the kind of Great American Novel that Franzen's predecessors wrote — not the kind Bellow and Mailer and Updike wrote. The American scene is just too complex — and too aware of its own complexity, for anything to loom that large over it ever again. But Freedom feels big in a different way, a way that not much other American fiction does right now. It doesn't back down from the complexity. To borrow a term from the visual arts, Franzen's writing has an enviable depth of field: it keeps a great deal in focus simultaneously. Freedom is not just a domestic novel or a political novel. Franzen doesn't chop the world up that way. Walter Berglund's political and environmental passions began in his lousy childhood, which was a product of the history of his family, who emigrated from Sweden, and the vagaries of the economy, which are in turn fatally bound up with the health of the environment, and so on.
The word freedom echoes down the corridors of Freedom. It stalks the characters, cropping up in chance remarks, in song lyrics, engraved on buildings. It seemed to me, Franzen says, that if we were going to be elevating freedom to the defining principle of what we're about as a culture and a nation, we ought to take a careful look at what freedom in practice brings. The weird thing about the freedom of Freedom is that what it doesn't bring is happiness.
For Franzen's characters, too much freedom is an empty, dangerously entropic thing. After all, energy companies are free to ravage and poison the breeding grounds of the cerulean warbler. If Patty and Walter divorced, they would be free, but it's a freedom they would do almost anything to avoid. At her lowest ebb, Patty reflects that she had all day every day to figure out some decent and satisfying way to live, and yet all she ever seemed to get for all her choices and all her freedom was more miserable. And no one is freer than a person with no moral beliefs. One of the ways of surrendering freedom is to actually have convictions, Franzen says. And a way of further surrendering freedom is to spend quite a bit of time acting on those convictions.
This idea may earn Franzen another all-American kicking — Oprah-Hating Writer Now Says Freedom Overrated! — but it is not only true; it is also important. There is something beyond freedom that people need: work, love, belief in something, commitment to something. Freedom is not enough. It's necessary but not sufficient. It's what you do with freedom — what you give it up for — that matters.
Early readers of Freedom, including this one, have found that the book has an addictive quality, the kind one usually associates with mysteries or thrillers. This isn't by accident. Franzen is very conscious that people are freer than ever — that word again — to spend their time and attention being entertained by things that aren't books. That awareness has changed the way he writes.
A lot of literary fiction strikes a bargain with the reader: you suck up a certain amount of difficulty, of resistance and interpretive work and even boredom, and then you get the payoff. This arrangement, which feels necessary and permanent to us, is primarily a creation of the 20th century. Freedom works on something more akin to a 19th century model, like Dickens or Tolstoy: characters you care about, a story that hooks you. Franzen has given up trying to impress with his scintillating prose (which he admits he was still doing in The Corrections). It seems all the more imperative, nowadays, to fashion books that are compelling, because there is so much more distraction they have to resist, he says. To me, now, to do something new is not to develop a form for the novel that has never been seen on earth before. It means to try to come to terms as a person and a citizen with what's happening in the world now and to do it in some comprehensible, coherent way.
There are any number of reasons to want novels to survive. The way Franzen thinks about it is that books can do things, socially useful things, that other media can't. He cites — as one does — the philosopher Soren Kierkegaard and his idea of busyness: that state of constant distraction that allows people to avoid difficult realities and maintain self-deceptions. With the help of cell phones, e-mail and handheld games, it's easier to stay busy, in the Kierkegaardian sense, than it's ever been.
Reading, in its quietness and sustained concentration, is the opposite of busyness. We are so distracted by and engulfed by the technologies we've created, and by the constant barrage of so-called information that comes our way, that more than ever to immerse yourself in an involving book seems socially useful, Franzen says. The place of stillness that you have to go to to write, but also to read seriously, is the point where you can actually make responsible decisions, where you can actually engage productively with an otherwise scary and unmanageable world.
As a biographical subject, Franzen is no prize. Unlike, say, Hemingway's or Mailer's, his life doesn't exactly teem with incident. He was married once — an autoclave of a marriage, to another writer, is how he describes it — but he's divorced now. The most striking fact about Franzen's life is that although he writes almost exclusively about families, he has not made one of his own.
This minor detail hasn't escaped his notice. In fact, a few years ago, when he was in the weeds with Freedom, he suggested to Chetkovich — this story comes with a rueful I-can't-believe-I-did-that laugh — that they acquire some children. Adopt some Iraqi war orphans maybe. I began to think the reason I'm not getting anywhere is that I'm a family guy, he says. Family is perhaps my primary prism for refracting the world into meaningful constituents, and one way or another we need to have some kids in our lives.
But the moment passed. Cooler heads convinced him that the way to get his novel written wouldn't be to adopt children, it would be to write his novel. If Freedom is all about giving up freedom by committing to things — people, causes, beliefs, life — what Franzen has committed to is not life but art. Novels are his family. As he did with his laptop, Franzen has stripped his world of virtually all distractions. He has never had any other career than this. He doesn't take vacations. Freedom is dedicated to his editor and his agent.
Franzen's main extravagance is watching birds, a hobby he took up after The Corrections. Until then, his life had been geared and balanced for constant struggle. I don't think, until The Corrections was published and had done well, I'd ever allowed myself joy for its own sake, he says. And the bird-watching happened to be what was lying at hand, and I indulged it.
The bird-watching isn't much at Moss Landing, at least while the tide is in. But as the afternoon wears on and the water retreats, a crowd of little birds arrives to feast in the shallows: short-billed dowitchers, Western sandpipers, a black-bellied plover. Franzen hands me the binoculars so I can admire that last, and he's right: even I, who do not twitch, can see that it's a hell of a bird, with its solid breastplate of black feathers.
But not even Franzen can watch birds all the time. There were a couple of years when I could enjoy blowing off a workday and going bird-watching, he says, followed by some years in which I came to realize that because my purpose on earth seems to be to write novels, I am actually freer when I'm chained to a project: freer from guilt, anxiety, boredom, anger, purposelessness.
Birds are supposed to be free, or that's what the song says, but when Franzen looks at them, that's not what he sees. Birds aren't free. They have work to do — eat, breed, fly, sing — and they do it. They're not paralyzed by self-consciousness or indecision. When Franzen watches birds, he sees himself, but himself at his best, which is at work, miserable work, in his rented office, chewing tobacco (he's still at it), shouting himself hoarse in front of his crippled laptop. Birds don't take vacations, and neither does he. I'm already losing sleep, Franzen says, trying to figure out how to lock myself inside a big novel again.
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