中文名: 魔幻城堡
原名: Howl's Moving Castle
作者: (英)黛安娜·溫尼·瓊斯
圖書分類: 魔幻/奇幻/玄幻
資源格式: PDF
版本: 英文文字版
出版社: Greenwillow Books
書號: 0061478784
發行時間: 2008年
地區: 美國
語言: 英文
作者簡介黛安娜1934年生於倫敦,在二戰中度過童年,隨父母隱居在埃塞克斯鄉間。1953年,她進入牛津大學聖安妮學院,得以師從C.S.劉易斯和J.R.R.托爾金,從此與兩位大師開創的奇幻一門結下畢生之緣,至今已完成作品四十余部,並譯成17國外語出版。 1977年,黛安娜以《克裡斯托曼琪世界傳奇》系列第一部《魔法生活》榮獲衛報兒童圖書獎,1999年更獲得兩項世界級奇幻文學大獎:美國的傳奇文學創作獎和英國奇幻文學協會頒發的卡爾·艾德華·瓦格納文學貢獻獎。
內容簡介蘇菲的魔法時刻始於厄運。一天早上,人人畏懼的韋斯特女巫突然現身詛咒了她。 這是在英格裡,七裡格靴和隱形衣的確存在的神奇土地,可從少女轉眼變為老婦也不是人人都能接受的命運。蘇菲於是勇敢地上路了。生活開了個如此莫名其妙的玩笑,她打算找出這玩笑背後的原因。 此時,她來到了一座奇異的城堡,據說它的主人魔法巨大,也許能扭轉蘇菲的命運。只是,這位魔法師霍爾冷血無情,傳說中,他專門收集女孩,並以吸取她們的靈魂為樂……
內容截圖 目錄:
Chapter 1:In which Sophie talks to hats
Chapter 2: In which Sophie is compelled to seek her fortune
Chapter 3: In which Sophie enters into a castle and a bargain
Chapter 4: In which Sophie discovers several strange things
Chapter 5: Which is far too full of washing
Chapter 6: In which Howl expresses his feelings with green slime
Chapter 7: In which a scarecrow prevents Sophie from leaving the castle
Chapter 8:In which Sophie leaves the castle in several directions at once
Chapter 9: In which Michael has trouble with a spell
Chapter 10: In which Calcifer promises Sophie a hint
Chapter 11: In which Howl goes to a strange country in search of a spell
Chapter 12: In which Sophie becomes Howl’s old mother
Chapter 13: In which Sophie blackens Howl’s name
Chapter 14: In which a Royal Wizard catches a cold
Chapter 15: In which Howl goes to a funeral in disguise
Chapter 16: In which there is a great deal of witchcraft
Chapter 17: In which the moving castle moves house
Chapter 18: In which the scarecrow and Miss Angorian reappear
Chapter 19: In which Sophie expresses her feelings with weed-killer
Chapter 20: In which Sophie finds further difficulties in leaving the castle
Chapter 21: In which a contract is concluded before witnesses